☆ Chapter 9 - PART 2

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9 : Our Memories Unlocked


You and Scaramouche enter the restaurant to see some familiar people. Kaeya, Diluc and C/n.



"W-why are t-they here?"

"What do you me-"

Scaramouche turned to what you were looking at, even he was shocked. He didn't expect this to happen, especially not here.

"Okay, how about you pretend to be my s/o? That way they'll leave us alone."

"Wait...so is this really going to turn into an actual date?"

"For now, I guess."

You blushed at the thought but quickly brought yourself back from the real world considering there were other problems you had to attend to. You and Scaramouche got table for two (AGAIN). A waiter went to your tables shortly after and took your orders. Just then the trio had walked up to your table and greeting you two.

"Ah Y/n! Fancy meeting you here.."

"Uhm.. h-hi C/n, hi Kaeya and Diluc."

"So what are you two doing here?"

"Well, we're on a date of course." He said with a smirk.

"Wait, your dating Y/n?"


"What!?! Since when!?!"

"Well, we confessed to eachother and basically we're here now. This is the first date I'm having with him right now." You put on a little smile.

"Oh, well thats.. great I guess! Well, we better leave now goodbye." C/n said before they took their leave.

The trio quickly left before things got messier.

"You okay, Y/n?"



You and Scaramouche kept talking while waiting for the food, soon it arrived afterwards.

Scaramouche had ordered this

Scaramouche had ordered this

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While you had ordered this

(Hand reveal😍😍😝😝😜😜)

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(Hand reveal😍😍😝😝😜😜)

You both had started to eat the food you two ordered. And soon afterwards to break the silence, you tried to start a conversation with Scaramouche once again. It did work and it lasted for hours. Afterwards, you both were full from what you just ate and Scaramouche has to take you home now.

"So, how do you feel about our little date?"

"It was.. okay. I liked it." You smiled but your gaze was fixed away from Scaramouche's face.

"I'm glad."

You both were walking home from that long but fun day that you just had. Then you both started to chat about things from the past and got to know eachother better. You two even started talking about the events you two spent together. Like that time where you and Scaramouche had to ride a scary rollercoaster and kept holding eachothers hands the whole time. Like that time where you both played pillow fight. And like that time where you both saw Childe randomly performing onstage. Those memories were fun to relive. Although your conversation had to end because you were already close to home, Scaramouche had asked you if you wanted to let him stay over again.

"Hey Y/n, can I stay over?"

"Uhm.. sure!"
"You still have your clothes?"



Hallo guys, thing is it was not after eating when I did this very very super duper sorry

Hallo guys, thing is it was not after eating when I did this very very super duper sorry

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⬆️⬆️a screenshot of back then when I tried creating diluc on pic crew

Anyways yes finally I posted a pt. 2 on thia chapter but sorry it had to end so short guys sincere apologies because I don't think I have any more motivation to continue onto over a 1000 words with this chapter😭😭

Anyways Y/n and Scaramouche having another sleepover woohoo yeheyy

They are currently having another pillow fight and are playing princesses having tea together
(Meanwhile B/n and Bsf/n can literally hear the 2 idiots from B/ns room bc they r loud as hell)

Also yall pls tell me if I did any mistakes on writing and if yall notice a certain pronoun error bc I WILL fix it right away

Also yall pls tell me if I did any mistakes on writing and if yall notice a certain pronoun error bc I WILL fix it right away

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(One more thing before I take my leave) :]


 [✧] ❝𝗪𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗚𝘂𝘆❞ - Scara x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now