Chapter 11 Dragon Family

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Disclaimer: Everything is owned by their respective creators and companies.


Chapter 11: Dragon Family

The very week, after the Elemental Problem. Was not giving the Winx, any breaks at all or anyone on Izumi's home world.

First off, recovery for the area, that was affected by the storm of fire and ice. Was gruesome, to say the least. Since the Pro Heroes and other rescuers were spending a lot of time removing the dead from their entrapment in asphalt and ice. Even though there, were survivors. Who got saved just in time. But were going to be hospitalized for a while.

Second U.A. got treated with another dose of "EHH!" When Toshi told the staff, that Izumi was a king. Which left the students once again rubbing their ears to alleviate the pain, from it. And someone yelling from somewhere in U.A. for whoever it was to quit it.

During the day, Toshi revealed the truth about Izumi. Izumi had summoned a few of the leaders to talk to them about helping to guard the sports festival. She had summoned Ben Tennyson, hoping that he'd accept her offer to help guard the UA Sports Festival. The other was from Eri. When she had asked Eri to summon a few of her Skylanders. Which they said agreed to talk it over, with their teams, about them being on guard duty for the Sports Festival.

Then everyone in the Midoriya's apartment received a visit from Nezu and Toshi. After Toshi had explained to Nezu, about Izumi's encounter with All For One. They agreed, to move on to the U.A. Campus as soon as possible. Since All For One may start targeting them. Izumi asked Nezu, to go with the Uraraka's Construction, to build their new home. When Izumi told Nezu, that if it worked out and liked the Uraraka's work. He could hire them in the future.

Though Izumi did drag Toshi by the ear, to the hospital, where the Todoroki's were still recovering at. While explaining to him, how hogging the #1 rank tore the family apart. Instead of letting someone else take it for a change. With Nezu tagging along, to explain some things to Shoto. He was laughing at the lecture Izumi was giving Toshi. Eventually, the 3 found the 3 in the same room. Where Toshi apologized to Enji, that if he had known. That he had been responsible for tearing the family apart. He would have let him have the #1 spot. Which surprised Enji and was taken aback by this. Even though he still wanted to earn the #1 spot. But accepted the apology nonetheless. This took Shoto, Natsuo, and Fuyumi were taken aback by this. When they found out, the cause of their father's temper, was because of the #1 Pro Hero. Though Shoto was still reserved in his idea, that his father wasn't change. Followed by Izumi using her rank as the world's Guardian Fairy. To put Enji on vacation leave to get his head back in the game. With orders to only do Pro Hero work, if no one else was there. Even though she did ask him to play bodyguard at the sports festival for some very important people, that were going to be there. Which left him stunned at the info and the request. Nezu also informed Shoto, that he would not be participating, in this year's Sports Festival. In order to spend the time recovering from the fire and ice disaster. However, Nezu did say, that if Shoto wanted to try and go as far as he could, in the Sports Festival. But he was more than welcome to try. Which Shoto understood, where the conversation going. Knowing, that if it came to it. He would have to retire. If it became too much for him. While Izumi also told Fuyumi to keep an eye on herself. In case, her Quirk stabilized and started developing magic, in the process. When asked, why. Izumi filled her in, on what happened the day of the fight. Between the Winx vs. UA. Which left everyone shocked at the fact, that there was a possibility of Fuyumi developing magic.

Eventually, the week came to an end, with Nezu being very impressed. With the work, that the Uraraka's Construction Company was doing. He even told them, that if the finished product exceeded his expectations. He would hire them to do another project and even tossed in allowing their daughter Ochako to stay on the campus. If they wanted her to stay on the campus. With the people, that they were building the building for. And allowing all of the expenses paid for Ochako at U.A. as well. Even though Izumi had a feeling, that her love life and marriage were going to be anything, but normal, in the future. If not anything, but downright complicated.

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