Anxiety, Chapter one.

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Y/N is a 24 year old recent hire of the Public Safety Devil hunting division, in Japan. His day-to-day usually consists of Patrolling his usual routes and occasionally taking a Devil down, nothing exciting happens, usually. He has a contract with the Acrophobia devil, which allows him to tweak the affected parties' sense of balance, in exchange he gave up a kidney and one of his pinky fingers. Usually an introverted and quiet person, things were going to start changing in his life, some for the better. And some for much worse.

Chapter one:

Today started out like any other, Y/N woke up, brushed his teeth, and made a small breakfast before his morning run. Once he got his daily run out of the way he took a shower before Dressing in his uniform, putting his service pistols in the shoulder holsters he wears, and stashing his combat knife on his waist. driving to work at the Public Safety Headquarters, As he walked to the entrance to the strangely tall building he kept his head on a swivel, no doubt from his time growing up in a large American city. Normally his gaze wouldn't stop on anything in particular unless he was on patrol until he walked through the front door and saw a short, frantic girl with short brown hair running around the lobby looking panicked.

Y/N: "Must be another new hire, maybe I should introduce myself later. If something doesn't kill me before then."

Y/n sighs as he walks towards the elevator to report to his boss, he dreaded having to be one on one with his boss, Makima. He had no reason to feel uncomfortable but the air always feels dense when he was talking to her like he was in danger. Y/K shrugged thinking of all the other bosses who made him feel unwelcome throughout his life, He's never held a job for more than one year, and he thought this one might be different. (only to realize he'll probably die before he wants to quit) The elevator clunked with every floor that passed until it slowly came to a stop. Y/N walks out of the small, sleek elevator to greet his red-haired, intense looking superior.

Y/N: "Mornin' Miss Makima, you said you wanted to see me this morning?"

Makima looks up from her paperwork and smiles as she begins to speak.

Makima: "Oh, good morning Y/K I wanted to speak to you regarding some changes coming to your everyday tasks, I'm putting you in a team with a few others for the foreseeable future."

Y/K groaned internally hating the change to his work routine but relented and decided that it shouldn't be too bad.

Y/N: "This came outta left field, any reason for the sudden change?"

Makima: "Public Safety is gearing up for something big, and I felt you would be the perfect fit for an... experimental squad, I hope this isn't too sudden, your record was just what we were looking for when scouting out our ranks."

Y/N "Well, I'm not one to question orders, anything else I need to know today?"

Makima: "That'll be all, you can go back to work now"

Y/N turns to the elevator to leave, breathing a sigh of relief as the tension washes away with each step. "God I hate coming up here." Y/K thinks as he enters the elevator and presses the first-floor button. As the elevator slowly brings him to the ground floor his mind begins to wander "I wonder what kinda people I'll be paired with, I hope it's not a bunch of hardasses or douchebags" Y/K finishes his thought just as the elevator opens revealing the shame short brunette from earlier looking petrified that someone was in the elevator.

Y/N: "Hey, you okay? You look like you saw a ghost."

A few awkward seconds go by before the girl spits out a response as fast as she darts to the corner of the elevator to hide her face


Y/K walks out of the elevator giving a short glance back towards the girl who was still cowering facing the corner of the elevator. "What an odd girl" He thought "Pretty cute though" Y/N didn't really have the most average taste in women, he wasn't fawning over Makima like his friend Aki and most of the other men in Public Safety were. As he left the building he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Y/N sighed as he started walking to his usual patrol spots "Same shit, different day I guess."

As Y/N walks his route, eyes darting back and forth and chain smoking to combat the boredom he hears an ear-shattering boom around the corner he was about to turn.

Y/K: "Oh what the fuck?!" Blurts out of his mouth as he spits his cigarette to the ground and starts running towards what he assumed to be a terrorist attack judging by the volume of the sound, only to turn the corner and see the wreckage. A humanoid devil tossing cars around like he was a child playing with hot wheels.

Y/K Draws one of his service pistols without so much as a thought and starts firing at the Devil. "Finally some fucking action!" He thought until he noticed his bullets bouncing off the devil, like pellets from a pellet gun. Before he could begin to think, the devil was rushing him down like a linebacker.

Y/K: "Guess I should be more careful about what I wish for!"

Y/K yelled out before dolphin diving to the side to avoid his attacker. As the devil got closer Y/K noticed something about his skin, it was layered kind of like scales. If he could get in between the plates and to the monster's squishy bits, he could put it down, he thought as he holstered his FN Five-seven and unsheathed the large combat knife stored on his hip. The devil didn't waste a moment before continuing its assault on Y/K.

Y/K: "Alright, just gotta get one good strike on a vital point." He said as he steeled himself to counter the beast's next rush, slightly shaking due to the fact that the devil before him was faster than any he'd hunted before. As the monster got in his range, Y/K thrust his knife in between two plates just above the Devil's shoulder, before his blade was stopped dead in its tracks. "Oh shit, OH FUCK" Ran through the rookie devil hunter's head as the devil used one of its long, arms to throw him into a parked car leaving a giant dent in the driver's side door.

Y/K made a noise that was only comparable to the air escaping from a balloon as the breath was knocked out of him from the blow inflicted on him. The devil must have noticed this because it didn't rush him down as it had been before, it was walking, taking its time like it was trying to scare him, Y/K didn't give him what he wanted, he sat there thinking of his next move, as the monster got closer it threw a front kick meant to kill him, but he rolled away. And not a second too soon, the devil's foot pierced clean through the car's already dented door. That's when it hit him. "It's so simple, a bullets gonna pierce much better than my knife, dumbass Y/K!" He thought while tossing his knife aside while trying to stand.

Y/K "I've got you now, you son of a bitch!" He yells as the monster seeming pissed off that the devil hunter isn't dead yet. But Y/K rushed at him taking the devil off guard, making it trip its self up out of confusion giving Y/K a chance to shove the muzzle of his Five-Seven between the scale-like plates and pull the trigger sending a high caliber pistol round through the devil's neck and by extension, it's carotid artery killing the monster in a matter of minutes.

Y/K fell back onto his ass and let out an exaggerated sigh Y/K: "Fuck, this is gonna be so much paperwork." Left his lips before he laid back on the concrete a moment before trying to locate a pay phone to call the incident in. 

Anxiety (kobeni x malereader) HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now