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(Y/n) strolled down the street that was familiar to her all her life. The street she grew up on with her older brother Oh Sangwoo.

She dug her phone out of her pocket swiftly unlocking her screen. She hummed intently as she messaged her good friend Ayumi that she had landed in Korea safe and sound.

Without waiting for a reply she locked her phone and slipped it back into her pocket, continuing down the stretch of road.

She absentmindedly glanced at the surrounding buildings, counting windows and doors as she passed them. Colors and numbers danced in her head as her feet stopped at a wood fence.

the thoughts in her mind dissipated as a new one took place. Her feet had finally carried her back to her childhood home. A smile spread across her face as she pushed the fence door open.

Over the years she had lost contact with her parents. She left home at a young age. She wondered how her parents and her brother were doing. She hadnt seen them since the beginning of her highschool years.

Her sneakered feet walked down the short path and up the steps stopping just a few steps before the door.

Her smile faltered slightly as her nerves swarmed in. She hasn't seen her brother in years. Would their reunion be awkward.

Her thoughts were cut short as the door infront of her swung open revealing her tall older brother.

"(Y/n)? Is that really you?" Sangwoo's deep voice rumbled as a smile spread across his toned skin. He leaned against the doorway with his arms crossed.

He seemed to tower over his sister, making her take a small step back and smile awkwardly. She nodded her head before speaking "Yes, its been a few years. I wanted to come visit you"

Her words made him smile deeper. He gently pushed himself off the doorframe and backed into his small home "Please, come inside. Do take off your shoes"

Sangwoo never looked back as he addressed his sister. He continued to walk further into the home until he disappeared around a corner. His sister followed him inside closing the door behind her and pulling off her shoes.

She lined them up neatly at the entrance before walking quickly after her brother. She glanced at the now empty walls as she passed them.

she entered the kitchen her brother was in a took a seat at the table quietly. She grabbed at the bottom of her shirt, fiddling with it nervously.

Sangwoo turned around to face her with a glass in hand, a clear liquid inside. He strode over to her putting the glass down on the table in front of her.

"You seem nervous" her brother mumbled as he walked to adjacent chair at the other end of the table. He pulled it out sitting down across from her.

"Uhm" she continued to play with her shirt. She continued to get more nervous as her brother stared at her impatiently "its just that. All the family photos are gone. Are mom and dad home"

Sangwoo silently stared at her for a moment. He seemed to be thinking deeply about something.

"They're out" he simply stated not willing to address her other concern. She awkwardly bobbed her head in understanding.

"If they are out I can come back later" she went to stand but was stopped by her brothers sudden interjection

"Sit down. You came to see me too didnt you?" (Y/n) looked silently at him before settling back down into her chair.

"You're staying the night here right?" Sangwoo smiled again, trying his best to ease his sisters stress.

"Actually I'm staying at a hotel nearby since I also wanna visit some old friends. I didn't want to inconvenience mom and dad since they turned my room into a storage room"

Sangwoo once again stayed silent at her words, analyzing each one. His smile slowly falling.

"You could have stayed with me in my room" Sangwoo stood from his seat making his way over to his sister

"You haven't taken a single sip from your glass, I wonder why. Not thirsty?"

(Y/n) kept her focus on the glass in front of her instead of her brother "I had something to drink just before landing so no, I'm not thirsty. But I appreciate it"

She hurriedly added her thanks onto the ending of her statement. This seemed to appease her brother as he walked away from her.

"Can you hang out or do you have somewhere to be? Have you texted anyone since you've landed?" Sangwoo kept his back to her as he walked to the sink.

"No, I haven't" (Y/n) nervously tugged at her shirt again as she stared at her brothers back

"My first question. Answer it." He barked out "do you have plans?" Sangwoo spun around to face her. A knife in his hand from the sink. It was covered in a brownish stain.

Her eyes glanced from the knife to her brothers eyes. They had this glint in them that she couldn't quite understand.

"I'm not sure. I haven't made any plans but I want to" (Y/n) let go of her shirt and stared down at the table.

"Oh, no plans? How about I accompany you and we can go out and visit all the old places we used to when we were younger. I'm sure by the time we come home mom and dad will be back" He smiled at her again before turning around and placing the knife back into the sink

"Let me wash these dishes and then we can go okay?" Sangwoo pulled the knob of the sink turning it on. He looked over his shoulder slightly at her, waiting for her response.

"Yeah, of course" (Y/n) beamed him an awkward smile before turning her attention back to her phone.

Just saw your text! Glad you made it there in one piece! Tell your bro I said sup! ❤

Thanks love! I will but he's kind of acting weird and I just have this bad feeling.

Acting weird how? You okay? Do you need me to fly down there? Or fly you home?

No way! Maybe he feels awkward since its been so long? And its just a bad feeling.

Don't ignore your gut hoe! If your radar is going off it's for a good reason! keep me updated and tell me everything so I know you're okay 🥺

I will! My brother just finished the dishes so we are gonna go out to old hangout spots! I'll text you later!

Please be safe! I love you!

Love you too! ❤

(Y/n) locked her phone and slid it back into her pocket as she followed her brother out the front door.

Sangwoo held the fence door open for her and swiftly followed behind her. Her eyes landed on their parents car

"Mom gave you her car?" (Y/n) glanced back at her brother who avoided her gaze

"Yeah." He quickly shot his vague response at her before unlocking the car and climbing inside

(Y/n) swung the passenger car door open and climbed inside, officially sealing her fate.

Sangwoo's Sister the Rewritten storyWhere stories live. Discover now