16)"Birthday And Temper"

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Learning how to seal turned out to be harder than Henrik thought. It took him three months just to get the basics down. No wonder Uncle Kol had looked at him weirdly. What kid would want to learn something as boring and complicated as sealing? Honestly, if it wasn't for the whole Inadu fiasco, Henrik wouldn't have touched the art of sealing with a 6-foot pole. It was just so mind-numbingly boring and finicky. One mistake, and it would blow up in your face. Literally.

Henrik would have continued his pity party, but suddenly the door burst open, and in came Aunt Rebekah.

"Come on, up, up, up! The birthday boy shouldn't laze around in bed all day! Up you get!" She said it so quickly that it took a moment for me to compute what she was saying. Even so, the best he could manage was a strangled, "What?"

Aunt Rebekah beamed, "Oh, yes, we're going to Disneyland for your and Hope's birthday and then we're going to get your favourites for dinner! Come on, hurry up and get dressed; we need to leave in an hour."

Henrik knew she was just happy for him-for them, that she was just trying to celebrate their birthday and make it memorable, but... it rankled how she didn't even bother asking what Henrik wanted to do for his birthday, just made plans and informed him of them literally an hour earlier.

"Who told you I wanted to go to Disneyland?"

Aunt Rebekah blinked, poking her head out of my closet, where she was trying to find the 'perfect clothes' for me to wear. "What kid doesn't like Disneyland? Oh, by the way, Henrik, there's nothing good enough in your closet to-"

"Get out." When she started to rummage through his closet without care or permission, something in him snapped. It might have been the stress of trying to learn how to seal, or it might have been seeing his opinions so easily discarded, but he was so so angry and had every intention of letting it be known.

"What made you think you had any right to dictate how I celebrate my birthday? To make plans for me without asking me? Are you trying to make me despise you? Because if you are, congratulations! You succeeded!"

Henrik was breathing heavily at the end of his rant, and Aunt Rebekah was staring at him wide-eyed, frozen on the spot.

"Just-just get out, and don't bother me for the rest of the day."

Aunt Rebekah was gone before he could finish his sentence. Henrik felt guilty; he hadn't meant to explode on her, but....he was just so angry that he couldn't help himself.

Maybe it was the werewolf's temper? Ah, who knows. He doesn't have time for that either; he needs to learn to seal, or all his efforts will be in vain.

Henrik put the incident out of his mind and pulled out his books on sealing, determined to get started on intermediate-level sealing.


Hayley smiled when she saw Rebekah come into the room. With her cheerful personality, Rebekah would have probably been able to drag Henrik out of his room and convince him to go to Disneyland with them. Her smile faded when she saw the tears in Rebekah's eyes.

Elijah noticed it too and was at Rebekah's side before anyone else could move.

"Rebekah? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Ah, Elijah was such a caring brother. Unlike Klaus, who would have gotten angry and hunted whoever he thought hurt Rebekah, Elijah actually listened to her, comforted her, and tried to solve the problem in the way Rebekah wanted to solve it.

The more Hayley saw the heartwarming scene between the two Mikaelson siblings, the more she was convinced it was the right decision to pretend Elijah was the father of her children, rather than Klaus.

"Where's Henrik?"

Freya's question cut through the atmosphere like a hot knife through butter. It was only then that Hayley noticed Henrik wasn't present.

"He said he de-despises us! That he-he doesn't want-" That was all Rebekah managed to get out before she burst into tears again.

"Rebekah, sister, calm down and tell us what happened. What did Henrik say?" Freya's cool voice managed to calm down Rebekah, who said, "He told me to get out, and then he told me that he didn't like how we were trying to dictate how he celebrated his birthday, and..." Here, Rebekah's breath hitched, and it almost looked like she was about to burst into tears again, but she continued, "He said that if we were trying to make him despise us, we succeeded!" That was all Rebekah got out before she was crying into Elijah's shoulder again.

"Wait, are you telling me you didn't ask him whether he wanted to go to Disneyland or not?!" Kol's incredulous voice made Rebekah stop crying and glare at him. "Hope said he would like it! She's his twin! So, what was there to ask? Besides, it was supposed to be a surprise anyway!"

"What was there to-are you listening to yourself?! You speak as if siblings having different interests is a completely foreign concept to you! And I distinctly remember telling you Henrik abhors surprises! Bloody hell, were you even listening when I told you what Henrik liked?!"

Rebekah shrank back, sobbing quietly into Elijah's shoulder. Elijah threw a reprimanding look at Kol and started to say, "Kol-

"No! Enough! What is wrong with you all?! I told you everything you needed to know to make his birthday memorable, but you still managed to botch it up this badly! Gods, are you even trying?!" Kol stormed off after he finished speaking, leaving behind a deafening silence.

"Kol's right." Freya broke the silence: "We had all the information we needed to make his birthday special, and we still managed to screw this up. No wonder Henrik dislikes us." Freya sighed, followed Kol's example, and left the room.

"So...what now?" Hayley asked. It was Elijah who responded.

"Well, we already ruined Henrik's birthday, let's not ruin Hope's too. From what I remember, she was pretty excited to go to Disneyland. Come on, let's not keep her waiting."

"What about Henrik?" Hayley asked

"He said he didn't want to be bothered for the rest of the day," Rebekah mumbled with teary eyes.

"Ok," Hayley sighed, "Ok." She repeated, "We'll do what the birthday boy wants. Come on, get up and get ready, both of you. We're taking Hope to Disneyland."

Both Rebekah and Elijah nodded and left to get ready. When Hayley was the only one left in the kitchen, she sank to the floor and sobbed. Hayley wondered where she had gone wrong with her son, who was now like a stranger to her. She'll pull herself together for Hope in a minute, but for now, she stayed on the floor, quietly sobbing.

Henrik Niklaus Mikaelson: Reborn as Hope mikaelsons twinWhere stories live. Discover now