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It was an ordinary day for Caleb Jackson, he had the day off so he intended to stay in and watch season 1 of Star wars rebels as he had yet to start it. Unfortunately when he went to pour milk into his morning coffee it came out not as its ordinary white liquid form but as rather foul smelling Lumps. As such after making a quick list of groceries he needed and checking his account balance to ensure he had enough he went out to his car and began to pull out of his drive so he could head to Tesco's his nearest supermarket. He never saw the Smart Car that T-Boned him but he felt it as he was thrown slightly before his seatbelt kicked into gear and more or less yanked him back snapping his neck in the process. Caleb was unaware as he died that 3 of the teenagers in the other were all killed just as suddenly as he was whilst the last a girl aged 13 who was manipulated into the car by one of the boys fell into a coma never to wake up. Shame that one of them decided seatbelts weren't needed really.


Kaleb Moors was a Jedi Youngling at the age where he could be taken as a padawan. Recently He had been summoned to the Council chambers and told by Jedi Master Shaak Ti that due to his romantic interest to fellow Youngling Barriss Offee and his lack of insight into the nature of the force he was being stripped of the title of Jedi and sent to the Agri-corps. He was also told that whilst they were not here Grand Master Yoda and Jedi Master Windu had signed off on this and he was to accept this punishment without complaint and that he had til the morning to come to terms with it. As he left the Council chambers he spotted Barriss out of the corner of his eyes the smug smirk she had told Kaleb exactly how the council had found out and he felt his heart break slightly and he began to plan.

That night 6 hours before Kaleb was due to be sent to the Agri-corps he quickly and quietly activated a safety net he had installed after a force induced vision he had. 6 miles away hidden in a safe area of Coruscant a V-19 Torrent starfighter that he had acquired (bought with Stolen credits) and hid activated and began making its way towards him. The onboard pilot, an R2 series Astro Droid whistled in worry as it did.

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Kaleb made his way outside towards where his ship would land quickly and quietly unaware that Barriss Offee had noticed him and informed the Jedi Temple guard

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Kaleb made his way outside towards where his ship would land quickly and quietly unaware that Barriss Offee had noticed him and informed the Jedi Temple guard. Whilst his body made it onto his ship which then sped off the mind of Kaleb Moors did not as a Yellow Lightsaber impaled him from behind and he died before he could recieve medical attention.

Both died on their own but with the aid of Gaia and The Force they would live again as one entity the Gamer would come to the Galactic Republic and it would never be the same again.

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