Chapter 3: Frozen

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Chapter 3


Our footsteps added to the noise of the busy town we were in. I wasn't sure where we were going, and I don't think Elysia really knew as well. I sighed mentally as we walked through town square. The town was old fashioned, I always like these types of towns... A time where people and creatures gave more time and effort and detail to works of art, rather than now really. More and more beings don't try as hard anymore: from what I know and seen in my opinion.


The ground was made of red brick of different shades, most of them worn out quiet a bit, and some new. In certain areas the ground was made with concrete, stone , grey brick, and things along those lines. Elysia and I had stopped to eat some food. " RAWR," Elysia started annoyed," such a big town, you would think it would be easy to find a good place to eat or get a snack or somethin'!" She pouted, leaning forward a bit. I chuckled,"I'm sure we will find something." I said, then my stomach growled loudly. " Hopefully..." I muttered.


After an hour of roaming, getting lost a few times, and Elysia cursing at a man who ran into her who didn't apologize and only laughed (she grabbed him by the collar quickly after and I stopped her before she sent a fireball at him as she let him go as he ran away in fear), we finally found a young girl moving her metal cart shouting,


She had chanted with a bubbly smile and skip in her step. " IS IT JUST HOT IN HERE, OR IS THIS HOT DOG SIZZILIN' ?" She yelled, messing around a bit. The hotdogs did look good, and I laughed at her joke. " Hey, Elysia let's get some of those-" I said, turning to where Elysia WAS. "Huh?" I said, and then saw a red blur run into the hot dog cart. I shook my was a little as I jogged up to the cart and join her.

" Three hotdogs please~!" Elysia chirped," and one for me." I finished, handing her my share of money as Elysia rummaged through her bag, finding just enough change to buy her portion of the hot dogs. The girl giggled and said," Come again and tell your friends~!" I smile faintly, and nodded. Elysia swore and made an oath she would, and then grabbed a random man and made him but a hot dog. I just stood a few feet away looking at her. I shook my head slightly as the scene went on. She was crazy, but I was too; just in a different way at times.


We had sat down on the stone edge of a running of a water fountain in town. I sighed with a full feeling in my stomach as I had finished my hot dog, Elysia only having one left by the time we had sat down. We stayed there a bit as I put my hands behind me and grip the end of the rim of the fountain edge behind me, leaning my head back slightly and closing my eyes. I listened to the calming sound of the water rippling when I found everything starting to go slower.

"What?" I thought, titling my head back to normal and opening my eyes; this all being very heavy and hard.. Something wasn't right. The water slowed and The people in the street slowed as well: eventually it all stopping. "Elysia, what's going on?" I asked her, looking around. She hasn't answered," Elysia, answer me, do you even know-" I stopped, turning to see her frozen as she was looking forward, sitting with her hands holding her head, her elbows resting on her thighs. It was like, time stopped. I glanced at the clock by a store, and waited.

Nothing happened, and the clocks arms didn't move.

Time.. Seemed to... .have stopped. I got up, and heard several footsteps. My ears perked up a bit in noise, and I turned my head backwards to see three men.

I breathed in. It was a bit hard to move, but I could manage. They all stopped and looked at me as I looked at them.

" Well, well," The man in the middle started, a grin on his face. He had on a grey suit, his hands in his pants pockets. His hair was dark green, it must have been dyed. He looked up with a fadora hat on that had a red feather on the side. His eyes were piercing blue, but it didn't intimidate me. " Someone can move besides us." He finished, his voice mocking but seemed slightly surprised." Whats going on here? I said, not wasting time, not that I really could since it stopped. Isurprised myself a bit, I never speak so loudly and strongly unless it was around Elysia or someone I'm close to, which is not really anyone besides her to be honest. He smirked." Pah, little girl," his voice was almost ignorant itself. He kept the same smirk glued on his face. I wanted to rip it off...wait a minute....Did he just...Did he just call me a LITTLE GIRL?! Oh hell no! I gritted my teeth as he continued," wouldn't understand. Now if you could just be a darling and skidattle on now without giving us any trouble, I'm sure we all will just be fine." He made a little shooing motion with his left hand. I just looked at him, staring at him, the face of a man who seemed liked a fool. Thinking he was better than the rest.. He acted the same as he looked: confident, prideful, and impatient. I didn't respond or move for a few seconds, and he spoke once again, "Well, I guess we can go on then." He said, making a small swinging with his hand for the two men by him to follow as he started forward. "Wait one minute." I objected, stepping the the side so we were in front of each other, even if we were several feet apart. I locked eyes with him. I took a step forward, then another few bold ones," You..." I chuckled," no one...calls me little girl." I snapped, my voice darkening almost. I didn't know why I was so bothered by this, normally I wouldn't care, and just tell them to tell me what was going on or something much better in the situation. I felt like I was getting louder, bolder, and probably, reckless.

I didn't like it.

It was not how I am ever really.


I loved it.

I still was just a few feet away from him. We stayed like that, then he just frowned a bit and sighed. " Just move along." He said sternly, he obviously was used to getting his way. "No." I argued, staring at him still. Why was I acting this way? I was being too reckless, too stupid. I don't act like this normally. I needed to get control of myself. I had to. But it was hard at the moment for some reason I wasn't sure of. I noticed that His suit was stripped vertically and was grey. I also saw he was a taller than me by several inches. A tall man, and he looked as if he was in his mid 20's, but I knew he had to have been older than that. I had to admit even though I hated the thought, he was a bit mesmerizing. But I shoved that to the side with ease.

" What are you gonna do exactly, huh?"

I asked him, not fazing my stare for one second as I looked up slightly at him. " Leave." He growled, he was obviously mad. Anyone could tell, definitely not a patient guy. " Answer me first." I didn't hold back as I spoke. I wanted to slap myself, I shouldn't act like this! What was wrong with me..?! It was hard to try to even think of those thoughts as I got sucked back into the reality.

He looked at me as I looked at him. It was like that for a bit, when he finally sighed. He closed his eyes as he spoke and looked up slightly," I see....." He started," I'll just have to remove you then." As he said that his eyes shot open and he made a slight hand signal with his fingers. I took a short, small breath as the two men beside him launched for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2013 ⏰

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