"good morning sleepyhead"

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Leah's pov
I wake up to the sound of my alarm, signalling me to get up as we have an hour well more like 45 minutes until we both have to be at training.

I still feel a light weight on my chest and I look down and am met with a sleeping child, I reach over her body to turn the alam off, I try to get out of her grip but she is being very reluctant to let go. Probably because she knows she needs to get up, so I decided that a few more minutes won't hurt.

I start to feel her fidgeting around telling me she is awake, I see that her eyes are slightly open I then say to her "good morning sleepy head" in response she just groans and buries her head further into my neck. I slightly laugh at this movement. Taking in that she is not a morning person, really like any other teenager. I don't think I have really ever met anyone who is a morning person. Then I say to her


Come on we need to get up, we have practice in 40 minutes, we can't stay in bed all day
Yes we can and we will
Haha no we won't we have a busy day ahead of us, so get your ass out this bed and through the shower I will start to make some food, and I will leave some clothes on the bed in the room you are staying in.
But I am tried
Yes and who's fault is that
Mineee, but I was nervous and I missed your warmth so actually it's your fault.
Trust me they are all going to love you and your other team are going to be so proud of you for achieving this, especially at your age.
Yeah but I feel like I not really ready you know
I completely understand, but you are not alone. Now stop changing the subject and get up.
Ughhhh but is cold
Up now or no cuddling tonight or at all, and I will drag you out of that bed. Believe me.
Oh will you now

As I am out of bed I make my way over to her and rip the covers of her and grab her ankles and start to pull her down the bed. She then says "okay okay I believe you" . I go to walk out the room and she throws a pillow at my head, I turn around to see her laughing her ass of so i throw it back and say"not so fun now ayy kid" she goes to throw it back but then just flop back down on the bed. Before I leave I say "get up lazy bones" . I hear her get out of my bed and make her way to the bathroom. Well that's one way to start the day.

Avery's pov
What an interesting way to start the day. I get out of her bed Reluctantly. Make my way to the bathroom, I shut the door and look it behind me, then I turn the shower on and take my clothes off.

(Skip to when she is out and getting changed, I want to get to the more interesting parts quicker)

After the shower I wrap a towel around my body and head to the room I was staying in, well it was only for a few hours but still. Like Leah said there are clothes on the bed, I need to thank her for this.

The photo below is what Avery is wearing, but the shoes are dunks could be any colour you like.

I look at my self in the mirror in the room and I mean I look good I guess but there a little big, going to be very comfortable though so that's a plus

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I look at my self in the mirror in the room and I mean I look good I guess but there a little big, going to be very comfortable though so that's a plus.

I walk out the room and into the hall, that leads to the kitchen and before the kitchen you have on the left the front door and then you have an open living room, the 2 bedroom and bathroom are behind me. Must say for an apartment it feels very homey and actually feels like someone is living here.

I make my way to the kitchen by following the sound of Leah singing Stand by me by Ben E King. She is not to bad actually. As we I am waking to the kitchen I admire all the pictures hanging on the walls, there are ones of her family, well most of them are. It's rather cute if you ask me. Definitely a family woman that is for sure.

I make it to the kitchen and see Leah cooking, which I never thought I would see, she hasn't noticed me so I take this as an opportunity and lean against the door frame and pull out my phone and start recording her, just as black mail. Obviously.

It comes to the end of the song and she finally turns around and gives me a death stare. Okay so definitely not intimidated. I try not to laugh I go to say something but she beats me to it and says


You better not post that or else
Yeah I was definitely going to send it to Alex and show it to All you teammates
You won't
Really so if I press send it won't go to Alex
Delete it
No way
Because it's black mail
Your mean
I know

That was funny. Definitely going to send it to Alex though.

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