Chapter Three: Digging Deeper

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Wednesday, October 7th

My friend, Remy, was more curious than usual about the mention of my newest friend, who also happened to be a girl. Which I now slightly regret informing him about.

Remy (Jeremy) is a quiet kid, a freshman, but he was interviewing me like a paparazzi reporter as we walked down the hallway. I know his older brother, Ben, who is more outgoing, and I wondered if Remy suddenly acquired his energy out of nowhere. It was almost uncharacteristic.

"You never told me her last name. I can't tell you what I know about her if you can't tell me more than 'Alyssa'," Remy argues. "She's in your year, I assume?"

"Yes. That much I know." I was embarrassed to say that I didn't actually know her last name, yet. "That's about it."

Jeremy gawks at me. "C'mon, Danny."

"Hey, look, I'm not some stalker. Besides, I only met her on Monday."

"You should ask her to the crossover dance. Maybe you can find out then."

What was that leap? "Are you serious? Talk about giving out the wrong message."

Remy looks surprised. "Nobody says you can't go with a friend. And even so, is it that bad of a scenario? Is she nice?"

Thinking back, she was. "Sure, yeah. And pretty. I had lunch with her yesterday and Monday."

His eyes light up. "Then what's stopping you from asking her?"

Jeremy sounded so genuine just then. He was a nice kid, and he always wanted things to work out. I liked that about him.

"I wouldn't want to seem shallow," I admit. "I did just meet her."

"I don't think it's shallow. I think she'd be flattered. You're a nice person, Danny!"

"Aw, you shouldn't have."

Remy sports and rolls his eyes. "Ben is convinced that the girl he likes, Sara, will say yes when he asks her. I've bet him $5 that she won't."

Ben was a junior--a year above me and two above Jeremy. Like I said, he was more outgoing and extroverted. Apparently more confident, too.

"Tell him I wish him luck. Are you asking anyone, Remy?"

He shakes his head. "No. I'm still debating if I'll even go. My dad signed up to help with the dance, even though I tried to talk him out of it."

I crack a grin. "That's cute, Rem."

"No, Danny, it's horrific. He's trying to be so involved after what happened last year, at the expense of me and Ben's dignity. Not cute. At all."

"Your dad loves you guys. Take it for what it is, Remy. He almost died last year and lost you both."

Jeremy instantly looks guilty. He knows that my father is dead. "Sorry, Danny. I know I should be grateful for what I have."

And what he has is a father named Waylon Park. A former Murkoff employee turned informant who risked his life to expose the corrupt corporation's scandals and abuse of its patients. Someone who almost died at the hands of many said patients, but escaped with his life. And some of his sanity.

"It's fine, Remy," I say. "I'm just saying, it's not the worst thing in the world that he wants to be involved."

"Yeah, I know," he agrees. Then he smiles, more like a smirk. "Still embarrassing, though."

"Thanks for telling me he's going to be there. Now I'll make sure to have him embarrass you even more."

"You looking to die, Danny?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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