It's time

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The class of 1A and 1B had been through a lot after being subjected to multiple villain attacks and the attack of the number 1 villain All-for-one but out of all the events one of their classmates was still surrounded in mystery. His name was Adam but after everything they experienced they noticed that Adam has been hiding alot of his abilities. We can find the hero course out side for a exercise when a bright light appeared before them all to reveal a woman with platinum blonde hair wearing white robes holding a gold staff.

 We can find the hero course out side for a exercise when a bright light appeared before them all to reveal a woman with platinum blonde hair wearing white robes holding a gold staff

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Almost everyone assumed a fighting stance as iibara knelt before the woman. "Archangel Gabriel we are humbled to be in your presence." Everyone's eyes widen and they knelt as well. "Arise children I come with a message for brother." Everyone looked up as Adam walked forward shocking everyone. "Sister it has been at least two centuries since we last spoke." Gabriel nodded. "Indeed brother but father calls for your aid a mortal has breach ancient law." Adams eyes widen in shock further confusing everyone. "Lady Gabriel what is happening?" Yaoyorozu asks as Adam turned and walked five paces out. "A mortal has stole their leaf from father's throne thus removing themselves from deaths grasp." Gabriel turned to look at Adam who was kneeling with both of his knees on the ground.

"Brother our father has blessed you with all of your power, you who is the bravest of us all, you who charged to earth and fought the hordes of the devil for god to make man. Now please tell us your name." Gabriel said as iibara's eyes widen as everyone looked to Adam. "My name is Azrael the archangel of death." At this moment a large set of majestic black wings shot of of Azrael's back while the ua gym uniform shined before being replaced by a black set of armor and in his hand was a double ended scythe.

" At this moment a large set of majestic black wings shot of of Azrael's back while the ua gym uniform shined before being replaced by a black set of armor and in his hand was a double ended scythe

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