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[𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗦𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗵 𝗔𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗮]

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[𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗦𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗵 𝗔𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗮]

"What's a good place to eat?" Cora asks one of the vendors wanting to spend one simple day with the last remaining people in her family before they leave one more time

"You must try El Sol and La Luna," The vendor recommends as it was a well-known establishment and even better after new management

"They opened back up?" Cora asks remembering the two restaurants that were on the same street

Wanting to see the new changed place Cora drags her brother and uncle who weren't used to the heat over to the restaurant. They were set to leave the next day, knowing she was welcomed back to her pack and that she'd be safe.

While the restaurant looked full they didn't have to wait nor did it seem like they got a bad table. The main difference between the restaurant they were eating at and the ones they've been to is that this one had different sizes of plates for every dish.

The other difference is that a brunette woman with slicked-back hair up in a ponytail wearing a white dress walks around greeting every table, some being regulars others tourists.

"Hola como están." The woman asks walking up to the table the three werewolves were sitting at but noticing how they looked like tourists she switches from Spanish to English "I hope everything is going great?"

"Yes lovely"

"This pasta is amazing"

"Adán actually recommended the place"

"Ah he is such a lovely person" The brunette smiles before flagging one of her workers with a raised hand "Oye Gloria, mandale un plato a Adán"


The brunette turns back to the table of new customers, "That man while lovely will take care of everyone and die before taking care of himself. So are you all visiting?"

"They are I'm staying," The brunette werewolf Hale simply answers

Keeping the conversation going the restaurant owner asks, "First time or returning?"


"Well if you are ever around and need food or a good place to dance La Luna opens at sunset and my name is Lulu." The woman introduces herself looking around the table taking in how beautiful everyone was even if they didn't want to talk "I hope you all have a wonderful time"

The woman made an impression in such a small moment, it could be the way she carried herself or the fact that she genuinely wanted the best for them without knowing anything about them.


Cora took up the offer to go to the nightclub. Many shops closed early in the town leaving nightlife to be very secluded but in the best ways.

"LULU! CÓDIGO BLANCO" A worker in uniform shouts for the woman who was nowhere in sight 

Code White was a code the staff had created when a fight was going to happen or was happening. Code White because when Lulu was around all the fighting ceased and white flags were raised if they wanted to stay or ever return

One particular Hale watched how the scrawny-looking woman ended a breaking out fight between two guys that were twice her size still wearing her white dress and heels.

Lulu walks out of the patio with her hands on her hips taking a deep breath to remain cool. Opening her eyes Lulu immediately spots a pair of green eyes across the patio and amongst everyone she walks straight to him

"You returned!" Lulu smiles glad that he had come back

"You just single handily broke that fight," The man with green eyes and long stubble replies

"I did. Kinda my job," Lulu smirks as they stand by the bar against the wall

While Lulu did own both the restaurant and nightclub, not only did she manage it with the help of her manager staff but she mainly always stayed around to make sure there was peace.

Surprised at the woman's elegance remaining after five hours he asks, "You own both places?"

"The Sun and The Moon, my babies" Lulu shrugs before raising a hand over to the bar at the club entrance "Sol a dozen shots!"

Lulu couldn't get drunk, but she could still taste if the alcohol was good or not. Sol knew the specific brand of tequila her boss always drank and made sure one of the waiters knew where to carry the 12-shot glasses.

Clear shot glass in hand Lulu raises it in the air while saying, "Pa rriba, pa bajo, para el centro"

Clinking their glasses together while making eye contact the two adults down their drink. Four drinks in with two left Derek changes their topic of conversation by asking, "Do you drink with everyone who visits your establishment?"

"Just with those who catch my attention," Lulu smiles trying her best not to put much attention as to how close to two stood. Turned out that with each drink being downed the two enclosed the gap, and it wasn't because of the alcohol or how noisy it was around them

Lulu's name is being called once more cuts their conversation short. While no human ears would catch the shouting of the woman's name over the loud music the two were anything but human.

"I need to put another fire out. I never did catch your name," Lulu says curious as to who the man before her was

"Never caught yours either," The man replies tipping the glass in a cheers motion towards the woman in white

Lulu takes a deep breath as her name was long, "Luisa Esperanza Marisel Torres. Or just Lulu"

"Derek Hale," The once alpha werewolf says 

"If you need anything, Derek Hale, do not hesitate to call" Lulu leans up to kiss his cheek while placing a black card in the front pocket of his jeans

Watching the woman walk away Derek takes out the card and notices that it was all black no writing, "There's nothing on here"

Lulu grins and swiftly turns around while still walking only backward, "Uses your eyes"

The woman's eyes inhumanly glow golden before returning back to their natural brown. The whole time the woman had been masking her scent, being the reason why the three Hale werewolves didn't immediately know what she was.


a/n: this feels badly written but do you get my concept?

also as i feel like planning this out i shouldn't be starting in season 4 but since i am this gonna be a very brief story

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