Chapter 3

137 3 0

'...' = 049 talks/thinks

"..."= anyone else talks/thinks


049 stopped in his tracks and for the first time in twenty minutes, 035 went silent.

682 was pacing outside the chamber now, seemingly inpatient. Until the doors opened and 682 went in.

035's shaky hand went to his mouth. 049's feathers tucked downwards as he let out what sounded like a whimper. 

"Are you alright you seem tense."

035 was afraid as well, but with 049 being bigger then 682, he wondered what he was suddenly frightend.

049 backed away from the chamber and back into the shadows, 035 climbed off his neck and pet his muzzle gently. 

"I don't know if I can still hear your thoughts but I can, please talk to me." 

035 said still petting his muzzle, that was when he heard it.

'They almost killed me when the researchers where doing a termination attempt.'

035, suddenly smiled, not because of 049's trauma, but because he could still talk to him.

'Why are you smiling?' 

049 asked, causing 035's smile to go even wider.

"I can hear you that's why!"

035 embraced 049's muzzle in what 049 assumed that be a hug.

'I have arms.....or paws. I can try to hug you.'

035 shook his head slightly, and continued to hug 049's muzzle, when a crash rang out causing 035 to let go and 049 to snap his head back to 079's containment chamber. 

"Hello 035."

A slightly garbled electronic voice said from the speaker next to them.

"May I ask who this new friend of yours might be?" 

It was 079 and they where referring to 049.

'Tell him that it's me.'

"This isn't a new friend, it's 049 we need you to cause a power outage so we can find a way to turn him back to normal." 

There was silence, then 079 spoke again.

"Do you know who turned him into this thing?" 

The two looked at each other for a moment before 035 turned back to the speaker.

"Dr. Ballard turned him into this and he doesn't have any kind of cure, he was looking to afraid to lie." 

035 answered hesitantly. His gaze went back to 049 who was looking at 079's containment chamber, wondering if and when 682 will come out.

'Dýo if we ever get out how are we going to hide? I'm huge.'

049 asked, this caused 035 to rethink his plan but he'd already made up his mind. He was turning 049 back, no matter what the cost.

"Listen, A.I. I know this may sound odd but we really need you to cause a power outage so the two of us can find a way to get Doc back to normal. Can you do that?"

The computer thought for a moment before turning his attention back to the 049 turned demon and 035. 

"If you two get close enough to Gate B I can cause an outage before the foundation shuts me down and turns the power back. That should be enough time to get you two out."

035 smiled and 049 lowered his huge head to 035 allowing him to climb on. 

"Thank you A.I. this means a lot that you're willing to help-" 

035 was cut off by MTF running through the halls towards them.


035 yelled grabbing his black fur. 049 huffed giving 035 a quick side eye before turning and running clumsily down the halls. 

049, although being incredibly fast, was beginning to tire quickly. His running was soon replaced by walking until he stopped. His panting echoed as the MTF unit grew closer.

"Come on Doc I know you have it in you. We're almost to Gate B-"

035 couldn't see who it was, but someone grabbed him, pulling him off 049 and to the ground. 049 turned, even though tired he hissed at the MTF holding onto 035.

"Listen 049 either you come with us."

The MTF raised his gun to 035.

"Or he dies." 

035 was petrified. The looking in his eyes told 049 not to do anything. But he did the exact opposite. 049's hiss evolved into a low growl as he turned his body completely towards the MTF.

Only then did 035 look at the ground. His eyes where wide. A minute ago the ground beneath 049's paws wasn't smoking, but now, it was. 

049 walked up to the MTF unit and raised his paw swipping at them with great speed and accuracy, as he hit the ones in the front, killing them instantly. 

035 was amazed, the MTF who was hanging onto him tightly, begun to shake from the fear of being next, but his job was to recontain anomalies. 

After all the MTF unit but that one was killed, 049 finally turned his attention towards the guard who let out a small yelp.

049 smirked and stalked closer to the MTF.

"L-Listen I really didn't want to do this."

The guard's finger tightened around the trigger, but 049 swatted him away with the back of his paw, causing 035 to stumble.

049 then steps infront of 035, his growling beginning again.

035 tugged at 049's tail, 049 turned his head back to him, and cooed.

"I know that he threatened to hurt me but can we just get out of here and find something to reverse what Ballard did to you?"

049 looked back between 035 and the guard. Either going with someone he loved or killing another and risking getting caught out of the foundation. They where so close to Gate B, he could kill him and go with 035, but he can't  have both.

'I.....I don't know, I want to keep you safe but we also need to go.' 

035 looked up from the spot he stood letting go of 049's tail. The guard scrambled to his feet and ran just as the power went out. 

"C'mon, let's go."

035 climbing up to his spot on 049's neck and gently gripping his fur again. 049 sighed and walked towards the door.


"That's really odd usually there's a unit or two here." 

035 said. 049 cooed worried about 035's safety and his own.

'This feels a little too easy don't you think?"

049 asked looking over at the thicket close by. If they could get there they'd be safe. Then barely heard footsteps approached them.

The mask and his demon (049 x 035)Where stories live. Discover now