After school on the Thursday, Amelia went to the park for a while. As she sat on the grass she hurt her leg, due to the bruises on them from when her father kicked her so many times the night before. She pulled out her phone and logged onto Twitter. She loved Twitter, mostly because she could talk to and read about what the BVBARMY were saying.
She could also read what BVB wrote and Andy was writing bout his tours and where they were going next and CC, Jake, Jinxx and Ashley were saying how much the concerts rocked that night. Amelia couldn't wait to see them. She loved them all.
Amelia's Pov
I then went off Twitter and began walking towards the pond and walked around it, looking at the water lying peaceful in the sunlight. I just wished I could be with BVB everyday. They would make my life a whole lot better. I had nobody apart from my abused dad. My auntie Jackie lived in South Hampton. I don't have the money to get there.
I put one earphone in and listened to 'We Don't Belong' by BVB. This song was my situation. I didn't belong here. I shouldn't be here. I should be where i'm happy and i think that's with people who care for me. I wouldn't know if my auntie still liked me. i mean we haven't talked in a while. i walked and sat on a bench and looked at the children playing in the park. Their laughter hurt me, i was a happy child until the money problems. I've not been able to get a job and be independent, not when dad is around. Their laughter made me jealous in a way. i sighed and walked off home.