ˏˋ10*➷ 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡

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╰┈➤ ❝ [Luck of the draw only draws the unlucky] ❞

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╰┈➤ ❝ [Luck of the draw only draws the unlucky] ❞

"MY GOSH. GOODNESS GRACIOUS. HOW ON EARTH CAN SOMEONE BE SO HANDSOME?" The woman, addressed as Hyun-sook, clapped, nodding to herself in approval as her eyes trailed over Han Seo-jun's figure. She seemed to be overly impressed with the young man's appearance, guessing by the large smile that took over her lips.

Seo-jun smiled, thanking his mother's friend for the compliment while the woman kept gushing over his looks. Kim Ji-an was sure that all those compliments would make his ego even larger if that was even possible. But guessing by the smug look he sent her way, she knew the woman's words had already done their effect, which only left Ji-an to suppress the usual eye roll that seemed to constantly come out when she was around Seo-jun.

Just when Ji-an thought the woman's smile couldn't grow even bigger, it did. "And you." She looked at Ji-an, her eyes sparkling with praise and wonder. "You look like you just came off of a magazine."

Ji-an's cheeks turned red at the compliment as she sent the woman a polite smile. No matter how many times the Kim girl would receive compliments she still had trouble reacting to them. It was a strange thing considering the girl was a part time model who more than time to time got praised by her looks. Either way it never stopped her from feeling awkward.

"Wow, even your smile is pretty. What's your name?" Hyun-sook asked, feeling like she had seen the girl before.

"Kim Ji-an, ma'am." She bowed.

Hyun-sook frowned. "Your name sounds familiar."

"Oh, her family owns one of Korea's most important companies and she's a part time model so that's probably why you've heard her name before." Mi Hyang explained, not being able to stop herself from showing off the girl's reputation. She had always considered Kim Ji-an as another daughter and just like any good mother would, she had to express her child's achievements even just a little bit.

"That's great." She looked between Seo-jun and Ji-an. "The two of you are utterly gorgeous. Are you both dating? Because if you are, I'm sure you'll have the most beautiful babies to exist."

Now this was new.

Ji-an knew that once the dating became official, many people would make comments alike to the one the woman just made. Nonetheless, Hyun-sook's words made Ji-an blushed furiously, her cheeks almost matching the red color of the hoodie she was wearing. She was about to entirely deny the situation until Seo-jun spoke from beside her. "We aren't. Not yet at least."

Shooting him a look the Kim girl sneaked a glance at Mi Hyang who was standing beside her in complete shock by her son's words. Once Mi Hyang snapped herself out of the surprise she turned to Ji-an, silently asking her if Han Seo-jun meant what he said. All Ji-an could do was smile awkwardly, only shrugging in response not really knowing what to say.

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