Backstory Epilogue Pt.9: The Fall of the Blueberry Muffin Beyond The Real World

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Everything was Filled with Silence,
As The Wind Blows on Their Hair, Covered Most of Their Shocked Faces......

Until It was Broken by Leon as He lets out a Loud, Piercing Scream Right out of His Own Voice as He calls His Name......


Leon's Screaming made Stephen's Eyes Changed from a Fuchsia Pink Color to His Original Rhodium Eye Color and Gasping for Air then He looked around as if He got Confused on What Had Happened and then was began to notice something in His hands and that is His Strawberry Handgun and then was Shocked as He puts the Pieces He has in His Mind all together and then He fell onto His knees and Cried, muttering some Apology to Benedict and asked Himself like....

"What... Have... I... Done...?")

While all of this has happened, Lucifer was about to Escape but was left a Wound on His Left Arm by Blakely's 12-Rounded Pistol. Alan felt like He had No Choice but to do it. He was about to picked the Blueberry Key but Before He could do that, He started Crying and lets out some Final Words to Him Before Closing the Gate....

"I'm Sorry, Ben... But I Have No Choice... But To Leave You Behind This World......... I Hope You're Having Fun Out There, Wherever You Are...... Goodbye, Benedict McLain....")

Thus Alan picks It up and the Gate was Finally Closed... For Good.

Somewhere In The Real World...

Two People were in the Forest, Living Together in a House. These People are Married for 3 Years yet, They still in Desperate Need of a Child, until They heard an Explosion in the Backyard. They follow the Source of the Sound until They saw Something Unexpected...

They Saw.....

A Boy Lying on the Grassy Floor, Bleeding Internally...

End of Book One...

A/N: Sorry for Many Long Pauses in this Chapter, I just kinda get used to it to be Honest.... Anyways I Hope You Enjoy Reading This Story... So with all being said,
This is FreyatheHedgehog Signing Off... ;)

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