Chapter 13 - Beige

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Akshara peered over at his room for the umpteenth time and then sighed, it was empty. Her entire world seemed bleak. Dark and grey.

Abhimanyu had been gone for a few days, he had randomly left, leaving everyone behind super confused. What had suddenly occurred that their super organised, always planned boss had just abruptly left?

Everyone had wondered but Akshara peered down at her notes as she tried not to let the tears pooling in her eyes fall on her desk.

It was because of her.

He had gone to visit Radhika in Paris.

Probably because she had stepped so out of line and made him so uncomfortable. After that close encounter with the kiss, the built-up tension between them, and then finally the cut she had acquired which he had helped her with him.

She had been an obstacle in the way of what he deserved.

And he deserved someone like Radhika.

No wonder he had felt so uncomfortable that he had to leave right away. To reunite with the one he truly loved.

And then she couldn't help it.

She knew she shouldn't have.

But she had fallen so deeply in love with him.

She had never held out on hope that he would reciprocate even an iota of her feelings.

But to know that maybe the thought of her disgusted him to this extent, made her entire body revolt.

And then she had to reprimand herself. Chide herself.

She was at fault.

At fault for falling in love with a man who belonged to someone else.

And it was not fair. It was not fair when Radhika was such a beautiful human being.

Akshara let the tear stream down her face loosely as she rested her head on her desk.

Being away from him for just a few days was making her miserable.

How was she going to survive with what she was going to do next?

But she had made up her mind.

He deserved happiness.

She had been selfish enough.

"Kanha ji.." she prayed silently, "I never made anyone happy.... but please, please if possible... keep my Abhi safe and happy... always".


Abhimanyu walked into his office with a swing in his step, the seconds could not pass any sooner. All he wanted to do was rush into her office and pick her up and twirl her around.

He looked down at his left hand, the silver band missing.

A free man.

One who could make choice.

And his choice was clear.

His beautiful Akshara.

How deeply he had fallen in love with her, he did not even know.

And he knew somewhere, she must feel the same. Her eyes had told him that over and over again.

He greeted his office employees warmly as they all gasped, Abhimanyu Sir was back? And what was up with the swing in his step? As if, rays of light were bouncing off of his being.

He just smiled and chuckled to himself, ready to see his light.

Walking passed her cabin, he noted it was empty.

Confused, he furrowed his eyebrows. Then he shrugged his shoulders, telling himself to not overthink.. she must be in his office.

Picking up his pace, he almost ran to his office and punched in the lock to the door, walking in.

And he was right.

Because there she was, standing in the middle.

His heart beat faster.

Except something didn't seem right about her.

"Akshara..." whispered Abhimanyu, worry evident in his eyes as he inched to be closer to her.

The beautiful bright doe-eyed eyes he loved were numb and shallow as if struggling to surface. The bright clothes she always wore were gone and instead, she stood there in a simple beige dress.

And her smile.

Completely missing.

He felt his heart break.

Tracing steps slowly, he walked up to her.

"Akshara..." he whispered.

She avoided his gaze but he could see the tear-stained look.

He leaned in to envelope her in his arms as he had wanted but stopped when she held out a white letter.

"My resignation letter sir".

<3 If I get atleast 30 likes in the next two hours, I will upload another one before I sleep. Waiting to hear your thoughts!!

N x

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