Game of destiny

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I wish I would have met you
little earlier.

Saanvi looked around the room which She and Ishita are going to share. She sighed then walked towards the bed and sat down on it. Previous moment where she lost her control was very disturbing.

She don't know what is happening to her. She wants to share her dream more like nightmare to someone. Today when Rihaan hugged her, she felt sudden need to tell him everything but the thing ' no one will believe' is stopping her. Prem and her father knows she sees these type dream but they don't know that exactly what type of dream.

One thing she is sure of now that the girl she sees in her dream is Parvati. But why she is coming in her dream? What if she got killed by someone, now she wants to revenge that is why she is coming in her dream and trying to tell her everything, like This happens in all ghost movies, right?

Saanvi widened her eyes when thought of ghost ran into her mind. Imaginary ghost or chudel started to come into her mind. She immediately joined her hands together and started to chant mantra.

" Jai hanuman gyaan gun sagar. Jai kapis tihu lok ujagar. Ramdut atulit bal dhama. Anjani putra pawansuta nama-"

" Saanvi?"

Saanvi got cut off by Ishita's voice. She opened her eyes and looked at her who is standing at the door.

"  what are you doing?"

Ishita said, eyeing her joined hands.

Saanvi took a deep breath then shook her head.

" Nothing di, come"

Ishita smiled then said.

" Well You know something-"

She started to speak with her on some topic as Prem told her to distract her mind. After some minutes Ishita saw Saanvi is staring out of the window time to time.

" What happened?"

Ishita asked. Saanvi looked at her and said.

" Hmm?"

Ishita smiled slightly.

" You are looking outside? Why?"

She asked making Saanvi to smile.

" It's raining"

She uttered.

" You like rain?"

Saanvi looked outside the window.

" Who don't. But whenever it rains, It seems like it is attracting me towards itself. Like It want me to come and drench along with nature. My problems seems to fade away when Rain water touches my body. I just like to drench myself in rain."

Saanvi said.

" Wow!"

Ishita exclaimed making saanvi to look at her with frowned eyebrows.

" No one would have told me this much about their love for rain like you did"

Saanvi blinked her eyes when Ishita said. After few seconds both of them burst into giggle.

" Di, You wai-"

Before saanvi could complete her sentence Ishita's phone rang which she picked it up while Saanvi gestured her that she is going outside and Ishita nodded her head.

Saanvi smiled and exits the room. She walked towards the garden. Standing under the wooden roof she rubbed her both arms as goosebumps appeared there. A smile formed on her lips seeing the rain. She closed her eyes, wanting to hear pleasing sound of raindrop. The smell of wet soil, which can't match with any other smell.

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