~unexpected resurrection~

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The rangers reach the scene and see the nighlok. They got shocked at seeing the nighlok because they thought that they defeated that one already.

"This can't be..." Emily said not believing what she is seeing.

"What?" Nat asked but they could barely understand her because of her thick accent.

"Great to see you again, rangers." The nighlok said.

"We thought we defeated you." Jayden said.

"Someone named Serrator made me back to life." The nighlok told.

"Serrator..." Nat muttered.

"You know him?" Jayden asks curiously.

"ты не понимаешь (You don't understand)..." Nat said sadly.

"What a-" Mike tries to ask but gets cut off by Nat.

"FORGET IT!" She shouted holding back tears.

"We'll talk about this later, we have bigger problems." Jayden says before attacking the nighlok.

Everyone follows him and the nighlok calls the moogers. The rangers are fighting the moogers while the monster went to Nat.

"You think you can hide this secret forever? Don't ya?" The monster says trying to push her down to the floor.

"Actually, I can." She answered pushing herself up.

"You really think so, huh?" He asked.

"They will never know." She answered while fighting him.

The rest were listening to their conversation and couldn't help but wonder... What were they talking about? What secret is Nat hiding from them? While their minds were filled with questions, they didn't realize how close the monster was to hurting her.

"You weren't good enough to save your parents. Now, they are dead because of you." The monster said.

She felt so hurt and got thrown into a wall. She demorphed and the rangers rushed to her side.

"Are you okay, Nat?" Emily asks concerned.

"Very much, Em!" Nat answers sarcastically as she rolls her eyes.

"Знаешь, сестричка? Они слишком многому тебя научили. (You know, sister? They taught you too much)." Max said chuckling.

"На самом деле они этого не сделали (In fact, they didn't)." Nat replied with a smirk on her face.

They continued fighting and defeated the nighlok. After that, they went back to the house.

Hello readers! As seen, one of the nighloks have been resurrected or got brang back to life. If there are any requests, mistakes, etc, then don't hesitate to tell me in the comments.

your dearest author,
hannah ❤️

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