My Husband The Werewolf

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The trees shivered with excitement the sunny Autumn afternoon as did the little girl swinging in the hammock her name was Elizabeth she had just come home from preschool she was five years old, her head was covered in curly blond hair,  while her eyes were filled with a shocking blue and she had a  smile brighter than any star I had ever seen. As I was saying, she sat in the hammock swinging back in forth making faces at the lady bugs and ants that were walking up the closest tree to her Elizabeth's Mom laughed like it was the most amusing film she had ever seen. Elizabeth looked at her and smiled "Mommy can we make a sandcastle tomorrow?" she asked her Mom in return  smiled wildly excited about her daughters willingness to go outside "Sure!" she replied picking up a daisy and giving it to Elizabeth smiled and placed it behind her ear. After a few moments of happiness and the songs of birds filling her head she asked her mother a question "Mommy can we read Peter Rabbit tonight before we go to bed" she questioned "But, we read that last night" the mom persuaded "don't you want to read something different like Angelina Ballerina?" Elizabeth shook her head no "I want to read Peter Rabbit... please'" she pleaded pouting, her bottom lip sicking out. "Fine." her Mom settled "Peter Rabbit it is then." Elizabeth jumped up and hugged her mother "Thank you, thank you." Elizabeth repeated over and over smiling "Your Welcome." her mother replied. Little did they know that they would never finish that book. Later that night after the two ate dinner and Elizabeth was tucked in bed did I first meet my futer wife. As I was saying they began reading Peter Rabbit until the Mom's husband and Elizabeth's Dad entered the house he was drunk again and didn't have a clue what he was doing as he stumbled into Elizabeth's room with a gun in his hand Elizabeth was only five as I said before and she didn't understand that when you've been shot your not simply 'taking a nap' your probably dieing slowly and painfully. So when her Mom was shot and begn to bleed she told her to wake up and to get off of the ketchup bottle. When she didn't and Elizabeth started to scream thats when I came into the scene. Now at this point in the story you may have three questions but I can only  answer two, answer number one: Yes I am a werewolf. Answer number two: Yes, this book is about me, I marry Elizabeth but we are no where close to that point yet. The third question you may have is, why did I go and save Elizabeth or as she likes to be called Beth, from that terrible seen as I said I have no answer all I can tell you is it had to do somthing about her voice and the way she screamed the way her voice cracked the way when I came to her she fell into my chest and began to cry, something like that.


Please give this book a chance I have a really good plot planned out :D

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2011 ⏰

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