Chapter One

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Today was like any other day as I open Philomena boutique de mode, but today I'm planning to celebrate the store's five-year anniversary. I wanted this anniversary to be the best one yet. I decide this year that Bianca and I will be holding a fashion show to not only show off our new designs, but also some other designers that needs a little help getting their names out there as well. It'll be taking place within four months, and I still have so much to plan as well as getting the new designs that I'm working on done before the show. There are going to be four fashion designers besides myself, so each of us are design about 20 outfits a piece for the show. There will be me, Bianca Dartagnan, Samantha Radamés, Magnus Abhilash, and Tatsu Ryoto that will be designing their style of clothing.

"Hey Hays? Are you here?"

"Yeah Bianca, I'm finishing up on work that I need done for the fashion show."

"So, what else do you need to do?"

"I'm going to need to get a hold of the models to make sure they are free for the fashion show."

"That's not like you to put things off this long. What's upsetting you?"

She's right, I'm usually the first to have things done before all five of us. Sadly, in the last two weeks I've been getting calls from a guy name Sephiroth Daemyn who's been trying to get me to meet him and Marius Drayce to talk about my business. I'm not sure what they want with my business and a large part of don't want to know. That guy Marius Drayce is only about buying out business to either control them or take them completely apart and I'm not letting him do either to mine for I worked too hard to get this place to where it is. Also, I've been busy taking care of a small white puppy. I never took care of an animal before because my stepfather wouldn't let me have one. He seemed to really to hate animals for some reason, or better to say that it's the animals that seems not to like him.

"Hays? Are you even listening to me? By the way, Diana still not eating."

"We might have to take her to a vet, or I can ask Rami. He's always been good with animals and might tell us what we're doing wrong."

Speaking of the devil, he walks into the backroom to join us.

"Look what the cat dragged in."

"Ha, ha very funny."

"So, what brings you here so early?"

"I wanted to do less modeling and more of the being the one taking pictures at the show. By the way, have I told you how beautiful you look today."

He comes over to me giving me a hug and a kiss on my cheek, but it always feel like a brother if I was ever close to my brother. Well, Azazel is only my half-brother. My father died when I was only 2 years old. My mother remarried and had a son and daughter with her new husband. When I was old enough, I was sent to a boarding school in France and that's when I gotten into clothing design. I went to International School of Paris where I met Rami when we were 13 years old, and we did try to date but a few months later we realize that we're better off just friends. The day we broke up he went out to get drunk and he had a one-night stand with one of the models that he worked with. After I've seen him dating some girls, but they never seemed to last for more than a week.

"Ok, now you're just kissing up to me, but alright. I know that you'll model at least one of my outfits"

"Come on Hays!"

"Please Rami, just one of my outfits? You know that you love me enough to do this for me."

"Alright Hays, I'll do it, but only one."

I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around for the biggest hug. I also kissed his cheek as he turns red. It wasn't too hard to reach my lips to his face since I'm only 2 inches shorter than him.

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