Last Chance Pt.1🍯

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Little backstory information, it's Chuuya and Dazai's anniversary, but recently they had a big fight because Dazai got upset about something and Chuuya left and has been living with Koyou. Dazai doesn't know where he is and has desperately been trying to find him, because for some reason he can't contact Chuuya.
Incase you didn't read the description and don't know what the emoji means this story will contain angst and fluff.💃Enjoy💃

It's 3am in the morning and Dazai was driving around all of Yokohama desperately searching for his husband. "Damn it Osamu... why did you say what you said to chuuya... you fucking idiot!" He cursed himself. He suddenly felt a tear run down his cheek. Dazai heavily considered turning to the Agency or Ranpo specifically but he couldn't let them see him in this state, and this was his fault anyway he couldn't drag someone else into this. Dazai sighed and called his last resort who might know where Chuuya was. Ozaki Koyou, Cheif of the Mafia, and practically Chuuya's big sister. Dazai pulled back into the parking lot of Chuuya and Dazai's apartment complex where they both had lived until Chuuya left.

Dazai dialed Koyous number and called her. Yes it was 3 in the morning and he considered just going to where Koyou lived but if he was being honest he had no idea where she lived, but he was desperate. The phone rung twice then was sent to voice mail, he dialed again, it rung 3 times then was sent to voice mail, which means Koyou was awake and sending him to voice mail on purpose. "DAMN IT KOYOU PICK UP!...please!" Dazai tried calling one more time. This time she picked up.

"What do you want Osamu." She says coldly. "Please...Koyou...I need to find Chuuya! I don't know where he is, I'm so desperate please...I've been searching the city every night for days and I can't find him! Or even contact him!" (Because Chuuya left his phone) Dazai blurts out. "Jesus Christ Osamu, do you even realize what you did to the poor boy!!" Koyou yells. "Yes...I do! And I want to talk with him...I want to apologize. Please help me find him..." Dazai says. He sounds as if he's about to cry. When he was with Chuuya, he felt human... happy and l
loved. He wouldnt be able to live in this world without him. He hears Koyou sigh over the phone. "You have caused this boy so much pain, not just from what you said, but when it came to the Sheep, The flags, Adam, and then once he finally trusted you again you LEFT HIM!! I'm giving you one more chance boy...but if you hurt Chuuya again I will see to it myself you never see him again. I would say I would kill you but that would be too kind, I know it will be a living hell for you if you knew Chuuya was out there so close but you couldn't ever see him again." Koyou finishes, then Dazai hears the ring of a text message. It's from Koyou, saying "Come to this address *********."

Of course this very well could have been a trap, but he was desperate and would have done anything to find Chuuya. So, he entered the address into his GPS and drove off.

Dazai was running on pure adrenaline. Driving so fast in the pouring rain he could barely see out of his windshield, but he didn't care
He just had to get to this address and find Chuuya.

About an hour and a half later he pulls up to an old house, a very nice house but old nonetheless. Now that Dazai was here he was feeling an immense amount of anxiety, he was terrified that he would open the door to find Chuuya...but Chuuya might turn him away. Nevertheless he had to do this no matter the consequences. Dazai got put of his car in the freezing rain and Knocked on the door.

He hears shuffling then the door opens, there he finds Koyou who had been waiting for him. "Get in here your going to freeze too death you idiot." She snaps, no matter how much she hated Dazai she was still a mother. (To Kyoka and Chuuya of course)

Dazai entered the house, it was nice, very clean. "He's in there." Koyou points to a door at the end of the hallway. "But I warn you, if he isn't ready to see you or just doesn't want to see you at all I'm throwing you out of this house. Got that?" She says sternly. Dazai nodded, he felt so anxious but so happy he finally found Chuuya.

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