Oral and Oulyn's POV

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I was sleeping next to Oulyn then that's when I opened up my eyes and realized "Where was Odan!?" He wasn't next to me and Oulyn he couldn't have just left on his own right...as I kept on wondering the door had creaked open "Oral and Oulyn" it was a lady with black dark hair she had her hair kept in a ponytail "That's us.." I had mumbled "Wake up your brother then come with me" she had said she she stood by the doorway "Hey...Oulyn get up" I had said as I gently shook him "Wha...huh...do you....want?" Oulyn had said in a sleepily voice "There's a lady she wants to see both of us" I said "I'm tired" Oulyn had turned his back and fell asleep "No she's waiting to get up!" I had dragged his hand "Fine..." he had gotten up and we both got off the bed as we walked towards the lady "Come on let's go" she had said as we left the room we walked down the hallway "Over here" the lady had said "In there?" I asked "Yes" she had nodded her head. She wanted us to go into a white room that was empty? Weird... We had followed her into the white room that was empty. She had walked out and shut the door behind us " The lady had left us alone. Oulyn looked at me "Oral...why are we here?" he asked "Idk" I said "Where's Odan?" Oral wondered "Odan is with someone else" the lady said as she watched them from behind the glass window "Why is he with someone else?" I asked "They want to test him that's all" she had said "Speaking of test you both will be doing a test with shapes" the lady had bend over and had two blank sheet of paper, she had opened the door and handed the sheet of blank paper and two pen that were blue and red "Here's how the test works each thing on a hologram that I show shapes you will have to remember the what the shape looked like" the lady had spoke as she shut the door and went back behind the glass window.

Test 1:Shapes

"Okay since both of you have pens and paper I will show you a shape but before I show you do you guys have any questions?" she had asked "Why do we have to do this test and when do we get to go home?" I asked "It's for data and that's the scientist's choices not ours" the lady had said looking at Oral, The lady had shown many shapes and each time Oral and Oulyn wrote it down even though they were still confused. After the test the lady had let Oral and Oulyn for another test "Okay guys this is your second test it's about brainstorming think about as many things can and write it I want to see how fast your brain can think under pressure" the lady said as she was walking with Oral and Oulyn they had went into another room with a two chairs and tables with a small red timer, paper and pencil. Once Oral and Oulyn had taken their seats "So see that small red timer?" The lady had pointed at the small red timer that was placed on both of their tables "Yes" Oulyn had said as he looked at Oral "You will be timing each other about how fast you guys can write" the lady had said "When do we start?" asked Oral "When I say go" the lady had said "Who wants to go first?" asked the lady "Me I guess...." Oral had put his pencil on the paper while Oulyn had gotten ready by picking up the small red timer and got ready to click it.

Test 2: Brainstorming

"Ready set GO!" yelled the lady as Oulyn started the timer Oral had started writing as he heard the sound of the small red timer hands moving, there was loud beeping then Oulyn stopped the timer "Let's see what you wrote" the lady had went towards Oral's table and looked down to see what he wrote "Family is a good thing and I love them but I miss them a lot I think about my Mama and Papa everyday I wish I could see them again" The lady had felt bad when she read Oral writing "Good job Oral" the lady had said as she walked back towards the middle putting her hands folded her hands together "Oulyn what was his time?" "It was..." Oulyn was looking at the small timer again "20 seconds" he had replied "20 seconds...I should have written more..." Oral had mumbled to himself "That's okay, Oral your brother is next" the lady had said "So...this time I time him and he writes...?" Oulyn asked "Correct," the lady said. Oulyn had placed his pencil above the paper "Ready set GO!" the lady had shouted Oulyn had his pencil flew off the paper started a new line then the small red timer had went off "30 seconds" said Oral proudly to his brother as he stopped the small red timer "30 seconds!?" Oulyn had cupped his hand over his mouth "I-i wrote....more than...Oral..." Oulyn said in shock hesitating that there was no way he had beaten his brother, Oulyn never beaten his brother in anything Oral was anything and Oral always thought his parents were more prouder of him and Odan. "Yes you did good job brother!" Oral had beamed for his brother Oulyn who was still in denial trying to tell himself that he didn't beat his brother in writing, Oral had gotten out of his chair and went over to Oulyn "Oulyn you did it aren't you happy...?" asked Oral as he was confused usually Oral would be happy about beating anyone but he had never beaten his brother in anything it was shocking for him "Okay well...next test!" the lady had said as Oral walked over to Oulyn and shook him lightly he was still in a daze "Oulyn get over it you come on don't you wanna finish the last test and go back to sleep?" asked Oral suddenly Oulyn had gotten up and walked with his brother to the next room

Test 3: Power

"So what's the next test?" Oral had asked as he was walking beside the lady "Your see in a moment" the lady said as she opened the door Oral had peeked "Whoa it's so..pretty.." Oral's eyes had gotten big, he had stars in his eyes, there was a bright light swirlings around the room crashing into objects and exploding "W-why is everything exploding!?" Oulyn had screamed that the lady had closed the door a bit "This room is where you use your powers" the lady had said "What!?" Oulyn's eyes widen "There's no way...we can do that..they looked really dangerous" Oral had mumbled "You guys got through all the other tests you can do this!" the lady had said "B-but this one is too...hard!" Oulyn had yelled "I-i don't know about..this" Oral mumbled "Oh come on guys you can do it!" said the lady "I-i don't know how to use my power.." Oral said in a shakily tone "That's okay you can learn with this test" the lady had smiled "Okay I guess that would be fine..." Oulyn said rather hesitating for a moment wondering if there were any better decisions "What about you Oral?" asked the lady as she turned to Oral who was sitting with his back against the wall "I-i..." Oral had stuttered for a moment not knowing what to say "C-can w-we not do this..." Oral stuttered he was very unsure about this whole power test he didn't even know how to use his powers he never needed to so why now? He also didn't know how strong his powers were or what they were. The scientists were very secretive about it and always talked either through whispering or telephone but very quietly Oral started to wonder if their powers were dangerous... "The scientists never told us about our powers...." Oral mumbled again "Oral it's okay that's what these tests are for data" the lady had walked over to Oral in the corner where she helped him get up "Come on don't you wanna know your powers!?" the lady had screamed with excitement in her voice "YEAH I BET THEY ARE SO COOL!" Oulyn had yelled excitedly as he threw punches in the air with his fist "See your brother is very excited and so should you be!" the lady said as she threw her hands up in the air "Well I'm not this is to dangerous we could get ourselves killed in this room and I don't want to be any part of that" said Oral had he let go of the lady's hand and dropped himself back on the ground, he sat on the ground pouting "Oral lighten up!" the lady had bent down and grabbed ahold of Oral's hand and held on tightly. Oral was trying to wiggling and squirming to get out of her strong grip "Let me go!" Oral had shouted as a shock of magic shooted her flying backwards and ended up crashing against the wall. Oral's magic was blue and the lady's forehead was bleeding while Oulyn rushed towards the lady using his super speed. Once Oulyn arrived he had healed her using his magic, Oulyn had helped up the lady and both of them stood up "H-how did he do that?" the lady had blinked in disbelief "I-i don't know..." Oulyn said also in shock "W-wait how did you get over here so quickly?" the lady asked Oulyn "Uh..I guess I have super speed...?" Oulyn said as he shrugged "You guys all have the x-powers oh no..." the lady mumbled "What's that?" asked Oral "It's a very bad thing you guys are strong but there's one person who's stronger" the lady said "Who's that?" asked Oulyn "I'm not sure but they are the boss of all of you monsters" "Monsters..?" Oulyn asked in confusion "I overheard that the scientists will be turning you guys into monsters" the lady's face darken "That's a joke right...?" Oulyn mumbled "No it's true I'm so sorry I didn't know... until now..." muttered the lady "So...the reason we have powers is....just for their plan?" Oulyn mumbled "Oulyn your hands..." the lady mutter Oulyn had looked down at his hand there were becoming slowly black "Why are my hands black!?" Oulyn said in an alarmed tone "Y-your changing...." the lady muttered "What now why!?" "I think it's because you've been separated from your brother. I think that's the reason why your hands are now black" "I don't understand..." Oulyn was very confused. "What I mean is I think that's the side-effects of you guys having powers" the lady said as she examined Oulyn's hands "Does that mean it's happening to Odan and Oral too...?" asked Oulyn "Probably since you guys are all one body" the lady said as grabbed some gloves from her jacket pocket "One body what does that mean?" Oulyn asked as he was placing his hands out with his palm facing up. Now Oulyn was more confused than before this was too much information to possibly process in one day "Everyone has a monster name I think your guys was...the three voices your cute but deadly" the lady had said as she put the white gloves onto Oulyn's hands hoping that would stop the blackness from covering his hands "Cute but deadly....weird..." Oulyn said as he raising one eyebrow and pulling the white gloves down "Why are we called the three voices that name isn't even that scary" Oulyn said as he was adjusting the white gloves "That's just the name we should start looking for your brothers now" the lady said started walking "Come on let's go" the lady had said as Oulyn was running after her "Wait up this curse makes it hard to run!" Oulyn yelled as he was struggling to run after the lady.

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