ii. reliving our childhood

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Not exactly wildlife, Rather runners taking over the woodlands, she'd rather say wildlife, that's what it meant to her.

She'd never seen the actual world before. Being born in the apocalypse was the worst thing, all she dreamed about was being born before everything went to shit. Seeing all the movies, Going to something called, the zoo, grocery shopping, working.

All the things in the world.

She had been staring outside of the window, seeing runners chasing after everything going.
Eden looked around the dark, dusty room.
She hadn't slept for days.
The fear she'd have of something happening to her while she slept, or her little brother, if something happened to him.
Which,is awful to even mention. She felt like she had no point to living.

"Eden?" A soft voice called. Eden hummed in response as she recognised the young voice.

She stood up, making sure the floorboards wouldn't squeak in response of her body being weighed down.
Eden quietly walked to her brothers bedroll, sitting down next to him, "nice sleep?" She asked the eight-year old boy.
"I guess." He rubbed his eyes, waking himself up.

She reached her hand to her backpack, ruffling through her essentials. "Here." She passed a half-full bottle of water.
She ran her fingers through his short hair.
He was very little for his age, she always looked at him, smiling of how proud she was of him,
Him and her ran away from the QZ years ago.
When he was only a few months old. They can't remember their parents, Leon was the only thing Eden had.

"Jeez, save some for me." She giggled before he passed her it back, wiping the excess from his mouth, "Where are we going today?" He fiddled with his hands in his lap, pinching his skin nervously.

"I don't know, where do you wanna go?" She pointed towards him, flashing a cheesy smile. "Ooh! That toy store, across town!" He jumped slightly in excitement.
"Because, because you know? When we was trying to find a place, I saw it and it's got like, a little, figure with guns and swords!" Leon rambled on and on.

"Like, like them things, them ninjas!" He expressed his excitement with his hands, "Ok, pack your stuff and we'll go in a bit, ok?" She spoke above a whisper to the young boy, trying to bring him down from his adrenaline rush.

Eden kissed her teeth, standing from her seat before walking to her bedroll, stuffing all her necessities in her bag, she grabbed her handgun. Putting it in the back-pocket of her jeans,
"You got your gun,shit-bird?" She looked to her right,
"Yeah, I think it needs more ammo though." He twisted his pistol around, "ew, and cleaning." Leon stared at the dirt that was stuck in it.

"Your lucky I even gave you that." She shrugged.
Leon scoffed, "I need to protect myself."
"Shut up and let's go." She pushed his head around before walking out of the room, leaving the apartment.

Edens shoes crunched against the dry leaves, the orange trees surrounded the complex, Blood was splattered around the grass, the concrete. It wasn't a surprise to her that the horror scene had been added to in the night they were inside.

"Look, Theres the toy Store." She pointed across the street, The ripped paint from the walls, the glass had been broken, posters were on the floor.

"I want that ninja thing so bad, is that what there called?" Leon squinted questionably, "I think, that's what they told us."

"Y'know, you could get more stuff. I mean we don't have to pay for stuff like people used to." Eden muttered, making it clear to Leon what she was saying, but quiet enough for anyone, or anything around them to hear her.

Her voice faded away into the breeze as Leon nodded at her comment, quiet rain splatters could be heard, hitting the concrete fast. "We should get there fast, the rains coming down quick." Eden looked up into the sky, staring at the dark clouds that floated above the duo. The rain continued to splatter on the hard ground, near enough soaking Edens Old, Matted shoes.

The two siblings crossed the cracked road, full of moss and dirt.

She pressed her body weight on the door, "blocked." Eden sighed, "Seriously?" Leon whined in disappointment. "I'm just fucking with ya'!" She chuckled to herself, barging through the double doors, reaching for her gun, she whistled, getting any attention of infected.

"Stay behind me." She demanded of the young boy.

She checked any corners where any infected could sneak in. "No signs of any infected Leon, I think we're safe." She checked beside her, making sure she didn't miss anything.

"Soo.. I can play?" He buzzed happily, giving a large smile to his older sister.
"Yeah, go crazy kiddo." She ruffled his hair before lightly pushing him towards the toys.

"Eden! There's some of them weird card things you like down here!" Leon reached his hand in the air, signalling for Eden to come along.
"No way!" She smiled like a child.
Picking up the cards, "it's the limited edition!" She giggled, "Your shitting me!" She stared at the bundle of comics across the room.
This was what she wished her childhood was like in a room.
Eden rushed to grab one, she laid on the old kid sofa, reading the comic.

"He fucking dies!" Eden leaped in shock, She had just finished the small comic.
"Shittest comic ever." She yawned, it had been over two hours they'd been here.

"Hey, kiddo. You ready to go?" Eden spoke, no response.

"Eden!" Leon called out.
Eden ran to his aid, panicking of what could've happened to him.

"Oh for-." She sighed, realising all he had been yelling at her for, was for to show her a toy. "It's the ninja!"He laughed, jumping in happiness. "Toss it in your bag, let's go."


"And his name is.. guess what!" Leon giddied about, leaping around Eden, After rambling on to her about the toy he got.
She blinked slowly, She was tired? No exhausted.

"Guess what.." he pretended to shoot the gum from his ninja.

"What?" She looked beside her, looking at the young boy, lifting an eyebrow.

"Leon." He stopped in front of her. Smiling brightly.

"Leon? Seriously." She furrowed her eyebrows together In confusion.

"Yeah! Im Leon the soldier, he's Leon the ninja, it's easy really, I think your just stupid." He tilted his head back, trying to annoy Eden, and succeeding,

"Ok, ok! No need to come after me there bud." She curled her lip, Making a sad face.

"You can't trick me, I'm not seven anymore!" He seemed proud of himself,

"Yeah your not, your eight, Barely." She trailed her sentence off, Finishing it off Quickly after.

"Boo-Hoo." He showed his middle finger, Before tripping on a small rock, Steading himself, trying to not make a fool of himself. Playing it off cool as Eden wasn't watching.

They walked a few minutes to the apartment complex.
"I saw that." She said.


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