Till Death (Grace⚰️)

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(Grace Augustine x Reader)
You followed your wife out to Pandora, both of you studying the plants and Na'vi of Pandora, as tensions rise with the RDA you both swore to protect the planet and it's inhabitants. Or die trying.


Life on Pandora was always seemingly bitter sweet, the best and worst moments of your life happening here.

This was definitely on the list to being one of the worst, definitely the worst.

You looked to Grace, watching as she downed another shot. This was to much, how could all this have escalated so quickly?

You looked to Jake, a look of anger and sadness swimming in his eyes.

You felt anger towards him, but the stakes were high for him as well. But you still felt resentment, how could he do this to Grace? After all she's done for him, after all you've done for him.

"You know," she started, looking to you and Jake. "They never wanted us to succeed." She stated, you looked down. "They bulldozed a sacraed sight on purpose, just to get a reaction." You shook your head, playing with the ring on your finger.

"Fabricating this work to get what they want." She laughed curtly, your eyes slid up to hers. You came to her side, laying a comforting hand on her back. Grace put a hand to her face, rubbing at her temples.

"This is how it's done." Jake states, fingers slamming against the table. He let out a curt laugh, grabbing at one of Grace's book. "When people are-" slam "are sittin' on shit that you want" he growled, throwing the book to the side causing you to flinch "you make them your enemy." He hissed.

"Then you justify taking it-"

"Quaritch is rolling the gunships, he's gonna hit home tree" Trudy gasped, running into the lab.

Your heart sank, you looked to your wife who shared a look of horror.

"Oh my god.."

Grace rose from her seat as did Norm. All of you quickly made your way towards Selfridge's office.

"Dr. (Y/L/N) and Dr. Augustine you can't be up here!" A man yelled, grabbing your wife's arm. You pushed him back, hissing slightly as you blocked his way.

"Stay back."

"Selfridge, stop these are people you are about to-"

Grace slapped the hands of another man off her "Back off!" She demanded, holding up a hand to him.

"They are fly bitten savages, that live in a god damn tree! Look around! I don't know about you but I see thousands of trees!" He yelled at Grace, god you wanted to beat him to a pulp. "They can move!"

"This isn't our planet! This is their home!" You boomed, stepping forward. "We are invaders! Don't you see that?"

"There are families in there!" Grace said, hand coming down to intertwine with yours. A silent way to ask you to settle down, and let her take control. "Babies, are you gonna kill children?" Grace asked, glaring at the man "are you prepared for that blood on your hands?"

"You don't want that kind of blood on your hands. Believe me, ju-p-just let me try and talk them out" Jake begged "they trust me"

You awoke in your avatar, head reeling slightly from being yanked out earlier. You jumped out of your hammock, swinging up the large root above you.

Jake ran by your hammock, offering a hand, you pushed it away face contorting slightly.

"I'm sorr-"

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