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"What do you think Bhrata Bheem? How  do I look?" Nakul questioned.

"Why do you ask me? Wasn't it you who said I have no fashion sense in front of my wife Hidimba? Besides, you are married - Why don't you ask Karenumati?" Bheem teased .

Nakul just blushed and looked away.

"We ready to move? Why are you blushing Nakul?" Yudhisthir questioned while entering the tent.

"Yaa Bhrata! Let's move, if we start now we'll reach there in a pahar (3 hrs) time. And the second question ... just leave it" Nakul answered.

Bheem and Yudhisthir shared a laugh to which Sahadeva joined.

All were there except Arjun. Pandu, Kunti , and the wives of the 4 pandavas were already ready to move. It had been 3 days since Kunti last saw Arjun, while they were departing. She missed him but she remembered what he said and become happy again.

The Pandavas came out of their tent and sat on their respective horses. Pandu and Kunti sat in a chariot and the wives sat in their palanquins (paalki ) . Before starting, Nakul turned to the palanquin in which Karenumati was stting. They smiled at each other. This didn't go unnoticed by Bheem. When Nakul realised, he turned to Bheem - Bheem didn't say anything, just giggled.


The environment around started to change. There were lanterns hanging in each and every house. Rangolis and flower decoration could be seen everywhere. They had entered Dwarka. They could see the palace gleaming in the sunshine. It was mid-noon still it was not scorching hot. The breeze from the ocean in the west made the climate moderate here. They all were astonished at the sight.

The royal guards, opened the main door of the palace. They could see 2 prominent figures standing still and greeting every other royal family that was entering. It was Krishna and Balram. Welcoming everyone to the Raivat-parv.

The family got off the chariot. Pandu's and Kunti's face had an extraordinary shine and glow. The family proceeded up the stairs. As soon as the reach the last stair where Krish and Bal were standing, Kunti smiled with tears in her eyes. The duo bent down to their uncle and aunt's feet.

"Pranipaat Maharaj and Maharani!" Kanha and Bal said in a charming voice.

"Bal! Kanha!" Kunti exclaimed and hugged them.

"This is not right Bhua! you said well meet soon the last time we met. Its been 7 years Bhua! What took you so long?" Kanha said in a soothing voice.

The Pandav-Patnis were astonished at the fact that  Dwarkadheesh called Kunti as "Bhua". Their husbands signaled them that they'll explain it later.

"What do I see Bhua! Where is Arjun?"

"He couldn't join us ."

"This isn't fair Bhua!"

"Aha! Remember last time we met, You used the same reason for Subhadra as she didn't come. Where is she?"

"I see Bhua! So it's revenge...hahaha! Subhadra? She was here some moments ago, but then Dau advised her to rest because she looked tired. However, you please come in and go to your respective rooms, the handmaidens will guide you. I'll ask her to come and meet you in your room!"


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