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"Wha-" my eyes widen at his sudden confession

All the students looked at me some are glaring especially the girls

"Mr. Hong, would you like to share something before we continue to our discussion?"

"u-uhm no sir, i'm sorry" My hands were shaking from the nervous, i looked at jeonghan and he was putting an evil smirk

"Then, be quiet" he continues his discussion

I lowered my head from the embarrassement moment just now

"I dont want to repeat myself, bunny" his last words before focusing on the discussion

The class is done now and i packed my bags to go to the clubroom today before i go home

I entered to the clubroom and saw Yena and Chan, i greeted them

"Where's Chan, hyung?"

"Oh. He- we're not friends anymore" i lowered my head

"Ehh what happened?" yena asked

"long story" i just put up a fake smile

"Let's start our meeting now?" me and yena nodded in response

"Okay that's all for today's meeting, thank you, you two" wonwoo bowed at us

"you can leave that us!" yena smugged and did a thumbs up

"True, you can leave that to us" i smiled and he nodded

"alright imma go now, see you in monday you both" i waved them a goodbye and left the clubroom but, the next thing happened was not i expected, jeonghan was standing next to the door, head leaning on the wall, while his hands are hugging each other ontop of his stomach, i would be telling a lie if i didn't found it hot.

he then suddenly grabbed my arm and forced me to follow him


"shh, We're going somewhere" and then i mumbled an okay

"but.. Dont u have a practice today?"

"it got cancelled so i went to your club" "oh"

Then silent comes again, until we reached the outside and i heard a beep sound, i flinched as the sound was nearby

We reached his car, yes he has a car

"in" i sit on the passengers seat while he was on drivers seat, it's actually my first time riding on a car, because when i was a child, i've never gotten experience to ride on a car nor a bicycle, so this is all new to me

He starts the engine and drove off exiting the university

i couldn't speak because, he was focus on the roads, so im trying to hold myself back from speaking, even if i want tho, maybe he's kidnapping me, so i just lowered my head

As the silence goes on, the car stopped probably, we reached the place, i looked at the window and saw a structure of a building in front

"w-where are we.. Jeonghan?" i asked him nervously and he hold my hands softly

"we're in restaurant, my bunny" he smiled. It was the first time i saw him smile so it calm me down a bit

"restaurant..? Wh-what are we going to do here? I dont have my money and im still on my uniform... "

"chill, i'll treat you, and that's fine if your still wearing your uniform" he exit to the car and made his way around to open mine


"no prob"

I followed him inside the restaurant, just from the look outside it's already looking fancy because of the paintngs, lightings, plants, and decorations. I saw him talking to a waiter, probably for seats

After that short talk, the waiter lead the way for our seat, he then left us a meñu book for us to choose, i opened the book and i saw a lot of appetizing dishes, but too bad i feel dont want to eat despite i dont want to waste his money for the expensive foods

"u-uhm... I'll just have an iced tea" he raised his one eyebrow

" You know you can order as much as you can, it's my treat for our first date" i suddenly choked

"d-date?! I-i... haven't even said yes to you.."

"well are you now?" he smirks while i gulped and nodded

"speak pretty boy"


"now your officially mine" he smiled softly and take my hand and kissed the knuckles, i blushed at he did and he smirks once again

"so what do you want to eat my cute bunny?" i opened the book again and once again, hesitating if i should order or not, then i heard my stomach rumbled and jeonghan chuckled a bit while im full of embarrassement right now

"i'll take ramyeon and iced tea, thank you" although i want to try all of the dishes in the menu, it would be unrespectful for me to the person who will treat me

"alright then, if you dont want more"

He called for a butler to take an order

"i'll take bulgogi, kimchi, bibimbap, ramyeon and for drinks i would like to order 2 iced tea" the waiter bowed and made his way to the kitchen

Now it's just the two of us left again, i looked at the tall glass window beside me, i can see the view of the city at night full of lights at every buildings, it was my first time seeing such a beautiful view at night because, all i just do all night was homework every night

"so pretty hm?" i looked up to him and i nodded

"i- can i talk about something?"

"Yeah i dont mind"

"uhm... Are you sure your not planning to use me?" he then chuckled

"of course not why would i even do that? I like you, your deer-like eyes, shyness like a bunny, your cuteness, and most of all... All. Of. You." i blushed

"wel-" i then got interrupted by a waiter, holding a luxurious tray on his hand that has our orders

Once the dishes are all placed, the waiter again left us and i stared directly at the mouth watering food he ordered for himself, while i only have ramyeon and a tea

"You know you can also eat the food i ordered" my eyes widen at he said, he then chuckled

"Ehhh really?? But.. It's your food..." he then gives me glare but not a death glare


To be continue...

A/N: i've been updating this story a lot hmmm maybe by monday it will back from 2-3 days again for update again

February 04, 2023

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