"It's been some time," Leopride addressed Madoka. Strangely, he was not as fixated on the princess, who wriggled her way off Ciara and wobbled after Madoka helped her on her feet. "Little lady. Your Highness."
Lord Zeron chuckled, knowing something that Madoka did not.
"Don't kill him this time, Madoka," Elise warned.
"Wait, don't leave me," Madoka protested, but both were already gone, leaving her alone with Leopride. Will she survive this time? Was he itching to get his revenge for her cheap attack?
Leopride simply gave a strange salute to Madoka much to her surprise. The poise stuck in her mind. Leopride stood up straight with his powerful right arm crossed over his heart and his left behind his back never taking his eyes off her. Madoka has seen the poise before in the Palace Soldier Grounds, a warrior eyeing another warrior as equals. This could only mean... Madoka's eyes widened. The Cherish-man chuckled, his straight tail unfurling behind him.
"I'll not apologize with words, Madoka," he told her. The next words he spoke carried a sincerity that only a beast like him could use. "My apologies will be paid by making you worthy enough for the princess Herself. Are you ready?"
Madoka slowly nodded, uncertain if this was a ruse or not. Yet she must continue for Her Highness. There were still hours in the day and therefore still hours to serve Elise. She followed the Cherish-man into the practice field, certain that this was a trap.
"Now then," the Cherish-man said, closing his eyes and drawing his sword. The air was changing around Madoka. Is this... magic?
Birds ahead fluttered away; their thoughts were too distant for her to pick anything from what Leopride was planning. He was murmuring something beneath his breath. As he completed whatever prayer he was saying, he opened his eyes and the ground ruptured apart with an incredible force. Earthen mounds burst forth behind him, standing as tall as he was, hardening into a stone formation.
Magic was mesmerizing to a commoner like Madoka. To know that the kind gods above would answer an earnest call... Madoka could not imagine what kind of life that could be. She has never wanted a Royal's life, but the chance to hear the god's answers would be amazing to her. Leopride cleared his throat.
"We will begin with the basics," he paced to the first stone mound. With a single slash from a perfect looking form, he cut it in perfectly diagonal halves. The stone groaned, sliding off and collapsing on the ground. Now it was as tall as Madoka. He sheathed his sword which did not even show a hint of damage and tossed it to Madoka. "To hold your sword and your will steady is one thing. To use it correctly is everything."
She found it odd that he was explaining each motion, guiding her hands in the proper way of the Cherish sword style. It was even more odd that she was holding a real sword. Yet, she had not even begun to use her feet or go into a spar or battle like he normally would assault her with. Little by little, she would apply what she would learn with her own cleaning experience of repetitive movements and work ethic.
"Breathe, Madoka," Leopride would tell her. Then he let out a loud hiss as she was about to swing. Her focus was lost, the sword clanged feebly against the stone formations.
"Hey!" Madoka yelled. Leopride laughed, lightly this time.
"To hold your focus in battle is what will make you survive," Leopride said to a frustrated Madoka. He was right, of course. "Once all of these seven formations are split by your hands, I shall return to give you your second lesson."
"S-second lesson?" Madoka wondered aloud as she picked up her sword and smoothed out her dress. Leopride chuckled and bowed as he left.
"Be seeing you soon," he walked off. "With a look like that, I will return in no time."
Madoka pouted, but continued to stare at the stones. They taunted her with their silence. Madoka's first sword strikes would not leave a dent on the stone formations anyways. Rain began to swell the clouds above.
He was right, though.
By the end of Spring, Madoka vowed to leave each of them split by practicing her form and improving her strength. A drop landed on her nose and the cold caused her to sneeze.

The Maid and Her Princess [On Hiatus]
FantasyMadoka was brought to the Palace as a slave and a servant and she thought this was her lot in life. As long as her head was bowed to the right people, she would avoid trouble, right? As fate would have it, she was dead wrong. Her world was opened up...