My room number? No.

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"Shut it pansy"

"Please listen to me"


"Stop it darling, you could kill yourself!"


"No not good!"

"Now tell me pans, who would care if one spec of sand got lost among the others?"

"No one obviously it's sand dray be reasonable"

"Exactly" he said holding the knife he used to slit his wrist up to his neck

"DRAY" she she screamed as she ran and fought the knife off of him



"Fine" he said before letting go of the knife

"Good" she said making the knife vanish with her wand

"WHATS GOING ON?" Blaise ran in

"Mr malfoy here was trying to kill himself!"


"Enough yelling already, I've heard enough"

"Your right I'm sorry."


The gryffindor trio containing a moaning mytle without a wig, ranga and a bush were walking though the corridors, they just so happened to come across the Slytherin trio containing a Blonde boy, A beautiful girl and a protective male.

"POTTAH" he yelled, "Malfoy." Harry stoped walking and turned around

"Trying to walk like me? Very obsessive if I do say, don't you think pansy"

"Very much, I think pottah here needs to learn a lesson"

"Now pansy play nice"

"Don't tell me what to do blaise"


The gryffindors just looked are eachother confused as they heard the Slytherins yelling at them

"There will be no lesson teaching malfoy" harry finally spoke up

So look at Draco and his friends, to see that his friends where standing infront of him, backs to the gryffindors

"Don't ignore me" harry said

He looked down at there feet and saw bandages falls

*right now?* Draco thought as his bandages fell

His scared were bleeding

Harry walked over and the Slytherin didn't relise

"Malfoy.." he spoke

"GO AWAY NOW POTTAH" Draco demanded

"What your room number. I'm helping you"

"My room number? Are you delusional? No." Draco laughed


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