The Story of Me and Him - Part 1

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I can not stand here any longer, watching, waiting for the moment. This time I will make that moment happen, I will take control. So I turn, slowly at first with every nerve in my body screaming for me to run. I could do it, I could just back away from this whole nightmare, run off this beach and stay hidden for as long as I can. I could do it, but then I thought about Sam. And I stayed with my planted on the hard, freezing ground. As I looked into the face of the man who did this all, as I glanced at the one person who has stood in the way, who has controlled, planned out every second of my life for me, I know that this time, it will be my choice, this time i will take control. I raise my fist and with every single burning fiver in my body, I let go. It seems so simple now, so perfectly easy that all I had to do was just let go and the power, just goes with it. Sending a wave of electrifying energy out from me and colliding with everything in it's path. Including him.

2 weeks earlier.

"Ally!" I fell. My arms falred, my legs buckled, I was slipping quickly on the misty ice beneth me. Panicing, I'd tripped,heading straight towards the ground. I could see it coming closer and closer, my body tensed, waiting for the terrible, hard impact... and suddenly I wasn't falling. Suddenly I was safe, being pulled up, in his arms. The one who'd shouted my name as I'd fallen. For a moment, for one tiny second, we seemed to fit perfectly together. I felt a strange, sudden serge of power, a connection. This is where i belong. But the thought vanished, replaced with a surge of disappointment the moment I saw his face. He had brilliantly green eyes, that peirced me with an slightly amused look, striking dark hair, and those lips... He hurriedly pulled me away and then when I realised why I felt the disappointing surging feeling, it was Sam Matthews who glanced down at me apologising and putting me firmly back on my own two, very wobbly feet.

"Um, look sorry about that, yeah...the ice, I guess thanks" I mumbled, swinging my rucksack back over my shoulder and turning a very vibrant shade of red. So I was out side the school libruary, standing of a very black and very slippery puddle of ice when I had, yes, you guessed it, slipped right I front of what is known as the coolest-way-out-of-everyone's-league group, which just so happened to include Sam Matthews, 'the guy that every guy wanted to be'. Not cool, defiantly not cool. I really need to get a grip. Sam took another step back as I quickly turned around wanting nothing more then to get away from these people right now. I could hear a few of those snobby girls in the group sniggering at me behind their perfectly manicured hands as I pushed past them and on into the library. I didn't really care? Did I? I mean it was only Sam? And I don't even like that group of people, so what does it matter!

"Kate! Hey, you okay? I just finished History." I announced walking over to Kate, my one-and-only (only, I mean only) friend sitting in he corner of the worn out, dustly library with a pile of text books I front of her.

"Hi Ally," Kate replied with a painful sigh. She dragged her eyes away from her work and suddenly collapsed, resting her head on top of the pile. "Nope. I can't do it any long. I give up. Why? Ally? Why do they give us so much work? I think they are trying to kill us! Ugh!" Katie lay like that for a few more seconds until I banged my bag onto the table next to her head, and sat in the chair opposite her.

"You know, no amount of moping around will get this paper finished." I said smiling.

"Go away Ally, you're supposed to be on my side." Katie joked finally lifting her head off the desk. " you know. I deserve a break! Yh I do! I'm going to go get lunch." She suddenly perked up pulling her blonde hair back from her face and stretching slightly. "Me you back here in ten?" She didn't wait for an answer before she bounced off leaving me sat in the nearly deserted library.

O took a long, deep breath in and closed my eyes. What had happened with Sam? Nowi had paused after that incident, my mind slowly started to unpick it, with questions popping up in quick flashes. Am i going mad? Did sam feel that too? Did i just imagine that freaky connection? These questions buzzed around in my head like little annoying flies i couldn't flap away. i was so fixed into them that i barley noticed Miss kay, the school librarian swaying over towards my direction.

" hello Ally" she said glancing up at me over her usual stack of books.

"Oh hey Miss Kay" i said, coming out of my daydream.

"Anything you need today?" she asked.

"Nah, I'm fine thanks i'm just finishing my history esse," I replied pulling it out of my rucksack.

"Ooh are you onto World War Two yet! I have a whole new selection of books...." She started excitedly

"No quite yet, we still have to finish World War One, but I'll let you know when we do start it!" I said.

"Yes, yes you do that Ally....." ,Miss Kay drifted off as she always did. I mean she is reaching what, 80 soon, I swear and she still works here! I mean she must really love this libruRy or something,.

I've been at this school for 5 years (i'm in year 11) and have always found refuge in the libruary. I love places like here becuase they hold so many stories. in every shelf there is an adventure, waiting to be experienced or and journey to be taken. I may sound stupid but I really

love this old, battered, comforting place.

Slowly I ignored my half-finished esse and settled down into my book, getting lost in another adventure.I was transfixed into this other world, I didn't glance up once, not until something which has never happened before happened.

Sam Matthews walked in, heading directly towards me.


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