At GardeHotel

20 0 0

A Hotel Called GardeHotel,The Mitchell Team Arrive at Gardehotel And Pay 20$ For Hotel Room Number 474 (Porygon Z Room)

Mitchell:Here's it

Pichu:Oh Yeah!!! Some PORYGON Z Room,AND 6 BEDS!


Newtwo:Its A Good Room

"The Hotel Room Is,474!"



Ash:Pikachus Are Happy.

May:I'm So Excited To See The Pokemon!!

Gary:Yeah! I'm Ready...

"Your Hotel Room Number 474 will be Expired in 5 Weeks!"

The Mitchell Team Will Sleep in GardeHotel

"1 Day Later"

The Mitchell Team will Wake up

Pichu:Good Morning!

Mimi:Good Morning!

Newtwo:Good Moring!

Gary:Good morning!

Iris:It's a good day.

May:Yes. It is a good day today.

Mitchell:Is Great Day!!!

"You're Go Outside Or Stay in hotel"

"Go Outside"

Pichu: wow!! Thats A Nice Place

Mimi: Wow!



A Nurse Joy Will Come In The Lobby Of GardeHotel

Nurse Joy:Good morning!

"Can Nurse Joy Give You A Heal jump Or Heal Deaf"

Pikachu:Please,Do It!

Mimi: Please!




"Okay! Let's Go!!"

Ash:Let's Go Team!

"Congrats!,Nurse Joy Give you a Heal Deaf!"

The Mitchell Team will Walk to the Park

"Look At All These Beautiful Flowers, May!"

"They look pretty."


"There are so many different kinds of flowers here!"

"Congrats!,The Mitchell Team And Ash Team Colide!"

"It's Called,The Elite Team!"

Mitchell will pick up Rose

"What will give to?"


Pichu:Thanks Mitchell!!

"Pikachu,Give me your Poke Ball!"

Pokeball pop out Pikachu

"Okay! Here's My Pokemon! I'll go first! I choose you, Charmander!"

Charmander: "Grrrr..."

The Elite Team Going to Map Shop

"Can you Pay a Map,Here we Go!"

Elite Team Play 20$ for the Map!

Wow The South is Hajay's Free Bikes!

"That's The Gym Leader of Free Bikes,Hajay!"

"Free bikes has 4 Gyms,"

"Hajay the Gym leader of free bikes!!"

"This guy looks tough!"

Gallade Big Belly: I'm Your Father Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now