The Oil Rig

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Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean

The waves crashed violently against the boat of a local fishing company, the crew scrambled to secure the gear so it wouldn't go overboard.

One particular crew member went to pick up some cable that had fallen onto the deck, however what he didn't notice was the crab catcher cage that was about to fall from it's rigging. Another crew member noticed this and ran to knock Y/N out of the way, which he did just in time before the cage slammed onto the deck.

Crewmember: Watch it dumbass! Keep your eyes open or you're gonna get squashed!

He then helped Y/N back to his feet 

Crew Member: Where the hell did they find you, Greenhorn?

While Y/N was grateful for the crew members actions, he knew that the cage wouldn't have been able to hurt him, nothing could.

All of a sudden the captain of the boat got on the intercom and announced that they received a distress call from an oil rig, the coast guard was already on it but wasn't able to save the ones inside the rig.

As the oil rig came into view, it was already engulfed in flames. 

Captain: Greenhorn, fetch me my binoculars" 

However he received no reply. "Greenhorn!" he called again looking behind him, Y/N was already gone. 

At the oil rig, as the structure started to become unstable, a now shirtless Y/N clung onto one of the support beams of the rig. Debris fell all around him as he made his way up, but he was determined to save the people still trapped inside.

The oil rig workers were trapped inside, desperately trying to divide the oxygen amongst them all, when all of a sudden the steel door was pulled off its hinges with ease. The door was then tossed aside and revealed Y/N surrounded by fire yet miraculously unharmed or affected in any way.

With the help of Y/N, the workers managed to get up onto the helipad where the coast guard helicopter was flying and about to land once the pilot saw them. The workers immediately began loading onto the helicopter when all of a sudden a giant piece of the oil rig began tipping towards the helicopter. Y/N noticed this and began to act quickly, despite the protests of the coast guard.

Y/N then jumped forward and held the structure up with his super strength, leaving the witnesses dumbfounded and in awe as to what they were seeing.

Eventually the steel beams he was standing on gave way and the structure collapsed on top of him, thankfully the helicopter got away in time before this.

Sometime later

Y/N just floated in the water around the wreckage, unharmed with just his clothing battered and torn. Floating there gave him time to contemplate on his life, his past, his future and his goals. One goal in particular, or rather one question that he needed answered. Who was he, and why was he here and why was he different from everyone else?

He eventually made it back to the mainland, thankfully no one noticed him. He managed to acquire some dry clothes and went further on his way to discover who he is.

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