❗️name spelling: nemera
❗️known as: czerwona kobieta
❗️faceclaim: shay mitchell
❗️date of birth: 28 BC
❗️house: syndoryos
❗️culture: asshai | quarth
❗️dragon: —
❗️first apperience: „passion of wildfyre"
❗️sex/gender: kobieta
❗️hair color: czarne
❗️eye color: brązowo-zielone
❗️romantic preferences: ♂
❗️sexual preferences: ♂
❗️mother: dirissa of quarth
❗️father: makeem syndoryos
❗️sister(s): —
❗️brother(s): vogoros syndoryos
❗️cousin(s): caerane i jej rodzeństwo (ale dość dalekie pokrewieństwo)
❗️uncle(s): —
❗️aunt(s): —
❗️daughter(s): TBA
❗️son(s): TBA
❗️love interest(s): ecterion naellaryon (jest w zasadzie jego konkubiną)
❗️membership(s): ród syndoryos, dwór naellaryonów, czerwoni kapłani r'hllora
❗️important events during her life: gody motyla i smoka, podbój aegona, wojna szafiru i rubinu, starcie szafiru i szmaragdu
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