Chapter 17

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Mermaid pictured Michael, Lori and Joshua downstairs in Shawn's presence and unimaginable fear momentarily crippled her. She looked at Holly's blank stare and quickly rushed into action, heading to the suitcase to get some clothes to wear.

"Mermaid, you can't go," Holly said, fully awake now as she climbed out of bed and started dressing up.

Mermaid thought about the family. She was going to do everything in her power to protect them, even if it meant going back with Shawn. "I have to. I have no choice," she said absently as she put on her boots.

"You always have a choice."

"Not in this case."

The moment she was done, she opened the door, withdrew the key from the lock and walked out, locking Holly inside the bedroom.

She told herself she was protecting Holly from herself, but most importantly, from Shawn's wrath as she headed down the stairs.

She had no idea what she was going to do. Her only priority at that moment was to keep Shawn as far away from the Mackenzie's as possible. She'd relax and try and figure something out once the family was out of danger.

When she got to the living room, she recognized his deep voice as he spoke to Lori and Joshua and a feeling of unease crept up inside her.

"Mermaid, good morning," Lori said as she got to her feet.

Shawn got up from his seat and turned to face her. It felt like a scene out of a movie because he seemed to turn in slow motion until their gazes met and momentarily locked.

"Good morning," Even as she said that, she could feel her voice tremble.

"This gentleman says he knows you," Joshua intervened.

Even then, their gazes were still locked.

"Yes, I do. These kind folk tell me you have amnesia," he said, but from the way he was looking at her, from the way she was looking at him, it was painfully obvious that she recognized him.

"What did you say your name was again?" Joshua asked him.

He cleared his throat, as though to lay emphasis on the fact that these people had so easily trusted him. "I'm Shawn Dupree."

"How do you know her? Are you a relative? Her father, perhaps?" It was Michael who asked this.

Shawn as though offended, hardened his face and said, "No, I'm not her father. Allison here, is my wife."

Whether they were stunned by him saying her name or stating he was her husband, Mermaid didn't know.

"I came to take her home." He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. "Hello, darling," he whispered in her ear and she tensed up.

"Allison, nice name," Michael said in what appeared to be disappointment.

"You're her husband?" Joshua appeared still in shock by that part.

"Yes, sir," Shawn affectionately placed his arm around her waist.

"Mermaid, do you recognize him?" Lori appeared to be apprehensive about the whole idea.

"Yes, I do," she said, surprising everyone because they were not aware she had recovered her memory.

"Sir, would you mind telling us how she ended up on the shore?" Michael said.

Mermaid felt his grip on her waist tighten. "We were on a cruise and there was a storm, she must have had a little too much wine and fallen overboard."

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