Untitled Part 1

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"So whatever happened to Scott Tenorman?" Someone whispered
"I don't know I heard he went into an asylum after what happened at the chili con carnival." another person whispered.
"Dude dude shut up that's his girlfriend" someone else whispered.
It's true I am his girlfriend. Ever since the chili con carnival Scott went crazy. I've been trying to contact him but he won't answer his phone and I can't find him anywhere. I search every day after school and look through the night, but I still don't know where he is.
"Hey, how are you?" I hear someone say.
I look up from my phone to see a brown-haired boy sitting across from me.
"I'm fine but why are you talking to me?" I ask.
"Because you're always alone and I wonder about you," he said.
"Oh," I said looking down at my phone.
It went quiet for a second until he asked me a question.
"Are you doing anything after school?"
"Um yeah,"
"What are you gonna do?" He asked.
"I'm gonna go back into the forest to look for Scott."
"You're still not over that guy, come on he's probably dead by now it's been over two months you gotta let him go," he said
I lost it. I began to punch him, but all I saw was red. All the kids in the lunch room gathered around us as we began to fight. But as quick as the fight began it ended as the teachers separated us.
"Come on she was just about to kick his ass!" A familiar voice said.
Eric Cartman.
"Y/N MY OFFICE NOW!" Mr. Mackey shouted. The teacher let me go and I walked to Mr. Mackey's office.
"Now what do you think you were doing?" He asked
"The boy said something about her boyfriend Scott Tenorman," The teacher said.
"So you're his girlfriend?"
"Yes," I said.
"Well, I'm gonna give you two weeks detention mkay," Mr. Mackey said.
"And you're not gonna see me for any day of it!" I say getting up and leaving his office. After getting two weeks of detention I went back into the lunch room grabbed my stuff and went into the hidden unlocked backroom of the school. No one goes in the room so it was the perfect place to skip. Unfortunately, I couldn't go home if not my mom and dad would kill me.
      After waiting a few hours the final bell rang for everyone to go home. Fuck Mr. Mackey I'm not going to detention. I swiftly sneak out of school and go home. They probably already called my parents so I'll have to deal with that.
"Y/N what has gotten into you!" I hear my dad tell me when I enter the house
"Really? A fight! And over a boy! You need to let this Scott guy go!" My mom said.  
I ignored them, I just went back to my room waiting for nightfall. 
Eric Cartman. Must. Pay. 
He was the one that started all this and over 16 measly dollars. It was his fault, who the hell buys someone else's pubes anyways?! He could have gotten revenge some other way he didn't have to go and kill Scott's parents and feed them to him. 
"Can we come in?" I hear my mom say.
"Fine," I say not like it matters they would have come in anyways. 
"Is there anything you want to talk to us about?" My dad said.
"No there isn't! So just leave me alone!" I respond.
"Well, clearly there's something wrong because you got into a fight today over a boy," Mom said.
I didn't say anything, I couldn't. I feel like I might say something I'll regret. They were saying the same thing everyone says. I've heard it all.
Get over him
He's just a boy 
He's probably dead by now
There's no point in looking for him.
He's gone.
"She's not listening to us lets just go," My dad said leaving the room.
My mom gave me a sorrowful look and walked away. 
       How will I get revenge on Eric Cartman? He's a homicidal manic so if I do anything and he survives he'll do something to me. What time is it?
5:15 pm. 
I think I know what I can do. 
I leave my room and go into the room of my parents. They should have a gun here somewhere. I looked everywhere until I finally found my dad's gun. And now all I need is my victim Cartman. I quickly go to my room put the gun in my bag, grab the jacket Scott gave me before he left, and snuck out my window.  
        I walked through the town trying to find Eric. It's still early he's probably hanging out somewhere with his friends. There's one of his friends. If I'm correct that is Kyle.
"Kyle!" I shout trying to get his attention.
"Yeah," He replied.
"Do you know where Eric is?" I ask.
"He's fat ass is at the KFC" Kyle laughed.
"Thanks," I say. 
The KFC shouldn't be too far from here. After about 10 minutes of walking, I finally made it to KFC. Kyle was right he was here. I walked inside and walked to him. 
"Hello, Eric," I say.
"What do you want," He said not even looking at me. 
"Do you think you can come with me for a little bit?" I ask politely.
"Why the hell would I do that," He said like the little snot-nose brat he is. I laugh a little and pull out the gun from my backpack. When I laughed he looked at me with a confused look on his face.  But once he saw the gun in my hand he immediately got up from his seat.
"Woah," He said when he saw the gun in my hands.
"So are we gonna do this the easy way or the hard way? You choose." I say.
"Ok, Jesus I'll go with you," he says getting up from his seat and leaving the restaurant.
"And don't you even try to run or I'll shoot you ok," I whisper. Once we left the building we quietly walked around watching all the unsuspecting people walking among us. five minutes of walking later we walked into an alleyway. 
"So what do you want from me?" Eric asked.
"Don't you remember, Scott Tenorman? My boyfriend? Don't you remember what you did to him?" I questioned. 
"Scott Tenorman? The guy that sold me his pubes! Then he burned up my money!" he said.
"So what if he did that!? Why would you buy someone's pubes anyways!? That's your fault for being so stupid! And it'll be your fault for what I'm about to do."
Those were his last words. I shot him. 
I should get home, I still need to go and look for Scott. I grabbed Eric's jacket and headed back home. 
       My parents are probably back in their room so I can't put the gun back. I guess it doesn't matter I have to dispose of it. After making sure I have everything I need I sneak back out and head to the forest. By the time I got to the forest, it was already dark. Thank god I brought a flashlight. These forests are thick and when the sun is gone it's pitch black. I remember being a kid and not being able to come into these forests alone. There was a story that the kids told, someone came in here and was never seen again. I believed it when I was a kid but as I got older I realized it was just an old wives' tale. But after Scott went missing the story lingered in the back of my mind. 
"Scott where are you!" 
Damn it I didn't know there was gonna be a snowstorm. Living out here in the mountains snow storms are especially bad and they get worse the further up you go. There's no going back now. I think I'm lost. 
There's so much snow... 
I don't think I can last much longer...
I passed out. 
"Hey get up," I hear someone say. I think I recognize that voice.
"Who else?" He laughs.
"Scott! I can't believe I found you!" I say while hugging him. 
He looked disheveled, and he was wearing blue scrubs with a white undershirt.  
"What are you doing out here where did you go are you ok, have you eaten," I asked him a whole bunch of worried girlfriend questions, and he seemed to smile knowing that I was worried about him. 
"Y/n I'm fine, I should be asking you what are you doing out here," Scott said.
"I've been looking for you ever since you went missing! Are you gonna come back to South Park?" I asked.
"No, I'm not. I can't if Eric Cartman is still alive."
"About that look in my bag," I said. He gave me a confused look and picked up my bag. He looked surprised when he saw what was in there.
"You didn't..."
"I did, I had to. I need you back, Please come back. Everyone at school is saying horrible things about you,"
"How did you get all the way out here?"
"I was looking for you then I got lost, and then a passed out."
"Will you come back to south park, please," I ask
"Fine only back 'cause we need to figure out what we're gonna do with Cartman," he said. I smiled when picked me up knowing that we were going back home.
 (The end) 
(I'll make another part if I get another idea or if people want me to," 

Eric cartman must pay (Scott Tenorman x reader oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now