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     Chen Fangya suddenly had a flash of inspiration. "I was wondering why he looked so familiar. I remember now!"

Originally, he didn't recognize Yun Ting. On the day he sent Lin Mumu to school, his whole person was gentle and relaxed, but today, Yun Ting was wearing a standard military training uniform, so his temperament was somewhat different.

When Yun Ting saw Wang Chong making a move on Lin Mumu, his anger and hostility continued to rise. He didn't beat Wang Chong to death on the spot because Wang Chong had made a lot of contributions to the army.

But why would the honest and straightforward Wang Chong do such a thing? Why did they have to target Lin Mumu?

Yun Ting believed that given Wang Chong's character, he wouldn't make things difficult for a lady. If so, what was he doing today? Moreover, he had already crossed the bottom line of a soldier, wanting to cripple a student!

Furthermore, Wang Chong had always revered Yun Ting, so why would he target Yun Ting's woman?

There was probably more to this matter than met the eye.

Yun Ting wasn't in the mood to continue investigating. Lin Mumu's blood seemed to be flowing more and more, so he had to send her to the hospital first.

Halfway there, Lin Mumu woke up, and the first thing she saw was Yun Ting's nervous eyes.


"Sorry, I'm late."

"Nope. Put me down. " Lin Mumu uneasily twisted her body. She could feel that she had been exposed to the sun this time, and her period had come a bit too fiercely. She was afraid that it had already penetrated her body, and it might even stain her pants. If it got on Yun Ting's hands, it would be very embarrassing.

"Don't mess around. You're badly injured. I'll take you to the hospital."

"I'm fine. Put me down. "Lin Mumu was greatly embarrassed.

"You lost so much blood and you say you're fine?" Yun Ting suppressed the anger in his chest, but his voice was still cold.

"Yun Ting, put me down!" Lin Mumu kept struggling, and her voice was filled with anxiety.

"I know, it's my fault this time. It's my fault for not being strict enough. Be good, don't make a fuss." Yun Ting tried his best to make his voice as gentle as possible, and there was even a hint of flattery in it.

However, the person in his arms was still wriggling restlessly, clamoring to come down.

As soon as she moved, warm blood flowed out, and he could feel his hands heating up. He thought that Lin Mumu's wound had split open.

Yun Ting anxiously kissed Lin Mumu's lips. Lin Mumu whimpered and hit his back, opened her eyes wide, and helplessly stared at Yun Ting's familiar face. In the end, she simply accepted her fate and closed her eyes.

Who asked his lips to be so warm, moisturizing the corners of her lips that had been cracked by the sun?

"Listen to me and go to the hospital, okay?"

"Then you have to put me down first, I want to go to the toilet!"

Chen Fangya, who had been following behind them, awkwardly said: "Lin Mumu shouldn't have been beaten, it's just that."

"Which one?" Yun Ting raised his eyebrows.

An Xiaoqin finally understood what was going on. Young master Yun was Lin Mumu's mysterious boyfriend, and his people tormented his woman, so he deserved it. An Xiaoqin couldn't help but remind him gloatingly, "You're on your period? You people in the army are too inhumane. You even punish women like this during their periods. Be careful that you won't be able to have children in the future. "

Unable to give birth? So serious?

Yun Ting was truly flustered this time, and his footsteps quickened.

Lin Mumu's face was extremely red, and she simply nestled in his chest to block him.

Yun Ting had no choice but to quickly carry her to his tent and change her clothes. Liu Yuanyuan also went back to fetch Lin Mumu's backpack, which contained a change of clothes and a bathroom she had prepared in advance.


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