Who's That Squirrel?

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"Last time on Total Drama Trios, we put our campers to the test by seeing which team will stay awake the longest. Unfortunately for us, Chef was tired of checking on everyone and he gave up. Team 11, which used to be Leshawna, Izzy, and Harold, was eliminated. Who will meet them at the Playa De Losers? Find out on Total Drama Trios!"

Third Person POV

The campers are gathered around in front of Chris' mansion for their third challenge.

"Good morning, campers!" Chris says, with his famous smile, although it's almost midnight.

"It's 11:30, McLean." Duncan groans before falling asleep.

"I'm super tired!" Cameron sighs.

"But you weren't up for 3 days straight." Gwen retorts.

"How are you not tired?" Heather asks Alejandro. He shrugs in response.



Show off.

"Your next challenge is..... a fashion show!" Chris cheers.

"Fuck you, McLean." Jo groans.

"No swearing on live TV!" The host says. The girl rolls her eyes in response.

"My man can swear all he wants." Lightning retorts.

"When will he know Jo is a girl?" Zoey whispers to Mike, who shrugs.

"One of your teammates will choose your outfit, and you will make the other's. So pick now, you have 2 minutes." Chris says. Chef comes in with a bunch of materials and basic clothing pieces. "You'll have 15 minutes to make it."

"Who's making who's outfit?" Sierra asks her teammates.

"You're making mine." Heather says. "I don't trust Alejandro."

"So you make Alejandro's?"

"Ugh. Whatever, I'll make yours. You can make Alejandro's, and he'll make mine."

"Sounds good." Alejandro says. I'm gonna fucking kill him!

"What if I make Duncan's, he makes Courtney's, and she makes mine?" Gwen asks her teammates.

"Yeah sure." Duncan says, half asleep.

"But you have to make her something." Gwen chuckles. "You can't make her naked."

Courtney's face becomes pale. "D-dont get any ideas."

Chris announces for the teams to start making the outfits. Lindsay grabs pink, black, and blue colored fabrics and some sequence. She starts to make a similar outfit to his usual tracksuit, except it's many colors, and it's a crop top.

"You know you're making your outfit for Tyler, right?" Beth asks.

"Oh." Lindsay frowns.

"It's ok," Zoey says, smiling. "Boys can wear those colors too, and they can wear crop tops."

"You have to restart!" Beth says, frowning.

"It's fine!" Zoey reassures.

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