The Writer

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You wait for a silence
I wait for a word
Lying next to your frame
Girl unobserved
You change your position
You're changing me
Casting these shadows
Where they shouldn't be

The whole room burst into chorus after chorus of guffawing laughter as Scott made joke after side-splitting joke. Allison's stomach hurt from laughing so much, crossing her legs at the ankles as she lay flat on her stomach on the floor. She was itching to say something back, but she was at a loss for words. Normally a pretty funny girl herself, Allison was always nervous and on edge around Scott.

After he'd finished entertaining the entire group of friends, Scott pushed himself back up from where he was laying on his side. Allison couldn't bare to tear her eyes away as his wiry muscles flexed and twitched. For someone who didn't play many sports, the guy had an impressive physique.

Even though he'd stopped laughing, Scott had a permanent grin spread across his lips and his eyes hinted that he was on the verge of cracking up at any moment.

The way he'd so quickly become engrossed in the game he was playing on his iPad was adorable, and Allison's mouth went completely dry whenever he screwed up and groaned in frustration. If only he knew she existed.

Well, he knew she was there. They'd talked back and forth sometimes throughout the past year, and occasionally texted, but he never really noticed her - too caught up with his on-again-off-again girlfriends and music and crazy antics. Allison was just a background dancer in the crazy show which was Scott McCall's life - that character who's mentioned a few times and who everyone forgets exists. And she was dying to be more than that.

We're interrupted
By the heat of the sun
Trying to prevent
What's already begun
You're just a body
I can smell your skin
And when I feel it
You're wearing thin

Days passed, and in the crazy reality that was Scott McCall's world, things changed quickly within days. The two had gone from friendly acquaintances to straight out friends. Everything with him just felt so natural.

She had been walking down the hall, outside to lunch with her friends, when she heard his voice behind her. "Allison!" he'd called.

She turned around, with what she'd hope was a mischievous smirk on her lips, "What is it, McCall?"

His normal cat-who-ate-the-canary grin had been replaced by a sweet smile that he'd never used on Allison herself. "Do you want to eat lunch with me?"

Allison nodded, biting her lip and falling into step with him, "Yeah, I'd like that."

"Rad," Scott nodded, restoring a casual air between them as they stepped out into the public eye, "What about that table over there?" He pointed to a secluded table, around the corner and behind a few weeping willows, tugging on his drawstring backpack straps in a way that teasingly displayed his arms. He didn't even have to try.

But I've got a plan
Why don't you be the artist
And make me out of clay?
Why don't you be the writer
Decide the words I say?
Cause I'd rather pretend
I'll still be there at the end
Only it's too hard to ask
Won't you try to help me?

"It's shadier over here, so I figured it might be nicer than in the sun with all those morons," Scott stated, plopping his lunch tray down, but not immediately digging in as he usually would.

Allison noticed this, and began stumbling on her words nervously. They were by themselves for the first time, and she undoubtedly had feelings for him. And Scott was unpredictable, what if he had feelings for her?

"I'm sorry, I'm so dreadfully awkward," she spat, digging into her lunch bag to avoid looking into his eyes.

She felt a gentle finger tip on her chin pull her face up to meet eyes with his. "You're not awkward. If you ever don't know what to say, just make a really bad dad joke, alright?"

Allison giggled, successfully fighting off a warm blush, "Alright."

Sat on your sofa
It's all broken springs
This isn't the place for
Those violent strings
I try out a smile
And I aim it at you
You must have missed it
You always do

A week later they were back in study hall together, along with all of their other friends. Even though he was seated next to her, Allison felt as though Scott were moving farther and farther away. And she wasn't going to let him get out of her reach.

He cracked a joke, as he always did, and went back to sending them all goofy gifs using AirDrop on their iDevices. She couldn't help but remember the tension between them that day at lunch, the feeling of his fingertips on her soft skin. She definitely wasn't imagining that, she was sure of it now, from the way he was carefully avoiding her gaze, measuring his every word he spoke directly to her.

So when he cracked that joke, Allison decided she'd make her own move. Not a bold one, she'd never been a bold kind of girl, but definitely a notable one. She flashed him a flirtatious giggle and a smile. It was swallowed by the noise and distraction of the others. He didn't see.

You wait
I wait
Casting shadows

There was one day when no one else had shown up to study hall except for Scott, and Allison couldn't help but feel excited. Sure, there hadn't been so much as the tiniest of sparks between them since that day at lunch, but their lack of connection was just as telling as a spontaneous romantic gesture.

They made small talk, mostly about music and about his psychotic ex-girlfriend, and then suddenly they both fell quiet. It was as if the universe was telling both of them that it was now or never. It was their last chance.

And they dove, lips crashing so that at first, Allison winced at the contact. She'd never been kissed before.

Scott was like voodoo to her. He was as amazing of a kisser as she'd always imagined him to be. His short curly locks felt silky to the touch, and he smelled of a mixture of cologne and mint.

"I-I don't know what to say," Scott stammered. "For once, I'm speechless."

Allison, despite feeling as though she was walking on air, knew exactly what to say.

"Hi speechless, I'm Allison."

She silenced his laughter with yet another perfect kiss.

Won't you try to help me?
Alright guys. It's really late, and this is super random. I started writing this story in math class, around May or so, but abandoned it.

I've never published a one shot on this account, but I got really bored and felt like writing something that I didn't have to commit to.

This probably has a few weird typos, so I'll fix those later. (I typed this on my phone, and we all know that autocorrect can be, well, interesting.)

Anyways, if you like this, please vote, follow, comment, etc. I love you all as much as Allison and Scott love each other.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2015 ⏰

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The Writer - A Scallison One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now