Soldier Boy 🪖

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( This was Requested to me by Tea_Libitina
For this Petrol x fem Reader!! Thank you for all this Support!!!)

Third person Pov:

A lovely day at Camp Campbell everything was peaceful and quiet which made no fucking sense to the now teen campers staying there.

Y/n especially found it odd to see everything so peaceful and quiet it made her sixth sense tingle like something weird was going to happen.

Welp shocker something did happen a paint ball splashed and hit through Y/n's mug. Which made the poor girl scream in shock dropping it on the floor  "WHAT THE FUCK MY MUG!" That alerted the other  campers and councilors "Y/n language and also what happened are you okay !?" David said in a concerned tone.
Before you could reply he was shot in the chest by another paintball everyone started to hide just in case they got shot with a paint ball.

Out of the woods came Wood Scouts all jacked up with paint ball guns smirking at their surprise attack all except one scout.
Y/n got a quick glance from Petrol a tall yet buff now teen giving her an apologetic look to her because he was the one who shot first she didn't remember his name for many summer's of being in this camp he was nicknamed Soldier Boy.

Gwen and David looked at Pikeman with a look of annoyance more Gwen than David but he did give them a nice comment of having the element of surprise.
"What the Fuck do you gay wads want now!?" Max said in a snarky yet annoyed tone "let me guess get all of us to join the Wood Scouts?" The curly haired teen said in a sarcastic remark.

" Precisely! That's why we are here Maxwell" a now young adult Pikeman said ignoring the sarcasm. "Haven't you losers learn anything since the past few summers we will never lose to you and we will never become Wood Scouts" Y/n said still pissed off she got her favorite mug ruined. Everyone from her camp agreed getting tired of always competing for their camp getting converted into a Wood Scouts troop.

"Yeah and aren't you too fucking old to continue doing this bullshit Pikeman I mean aren't you like an actual fucking adult now!" Gwen said while David nodded in agreement.

"No I'm not too old for this or for you Gwendolyn, and anyways we won't quit until you become one of us!" Pikeman reverted back to them.

Y/n wasn't paying much attention to them she was having some type of eye staring contest with Soldier boy who was clearly staring at her first while his leader was talking.
But sadly Y/n was the first one to look away due to her returning back to the conversation, and hearing that her camp agreed to do another tournament with the Wood Scouts.

Timeskip to the Paint ball tournament starting~

Y/n instead of playing in this silly little tournament went straight to the lake hoping no one followed her, she didn't really care for this tournament because she knew her camp was going to win.

While sitting in her favorite spot daydreaming and listening to the sounds of the lake she did not  notice that someone did indeed follow the girl to the lake gun loaded ready to shoot her at any moment. The h/c haired girl was suddenly snapped out of her trance when she heard a twig break making her get up and point her gun ready to shoot the bastard that decided to interrupt her peaceful atmosphere.

She slowly looked up and was met with familiar cedar eyes staring directly at her e/c eyes. "It's rude to point a gun at a lady Soldier Boy" The h/c haired girl said holding tightly her paint ball gun pointing directly at the quiet boy but luckily for her the tall stoic teen raised his arms up in surrender and slowly putting the gun down on the ground showing he came in peace.

Y/n slowly stop pointing the paint ball gun at him and put it down on the ground as well while staring directly at Wood Scout teen  "so you came here in peace alright then Soldier Boy I put my gun down too. Don't make me regret it..." the h/c haired girl said still keeping her guard up. Petrol nodded and started to sign with his hands an apology for shooting Y/n's mug. Luckily for the stoic teen, Y/n understood what he was doing as an apology he was giving to her "it's fine Soldier boy" She said not really knowing what to do.

Petrol nodded while walking to get closer to one of his camps enemy and slowly sat down. Y/n and Petrol stayed there looking at the lake for a while in comfortable silence before looking up to see the others fight each other. "I'm y/n what's yours?" She asked curiously wanting to know his name. Petrol got a stick and wrote it down on the ground 'Stephan Van Petrol'  was written on the dirt "woah you got a long name let me just call you Soldier Boy alright" she said smiling that made Petrol blush softly and nod.

Later both campers had to go back to their camps but every night both of them would always sneak out of their camp to hang out in their secret spot near the lake every night they spent hanging out slowly that blossom into a close friendship. Sadly for both teens summer came to an end. Both teens were disappointed knowing they wouldn't be able to see each other anymore  due to them being too old for summer camp.

~Timeskip to Back to High School~

As Y/n was walking around her new highschool exploring with an upset look on her face thinking about how her parents wanting moved to a new town for a new adventure making y/n move to a new school on her Junior year leaving behind her old life and friends.

She was walking around mindlessly still in her own world that she didn't notice someone walking up in front of her until she bumped into something that felt like brick wall. She looked up ready to cuss out the  person she bumped into until her eyes met with familiar eyes looking down at her slowly Y/n's frown slowly turned into a soft smile opening her mouth she started to say  "Soldier Boy!" In a happy tone she  looked at him "What a strange coincidence we see each other again!" Petrol only smiled at her and used his hands to signed 'what an odd but great coincidence Y/n' .

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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