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Rinas pov

I woke up realizing that school was in four days and I needed to go buy school supplies and and school clothes.

I had a little bit of money but i asked my mom if i could borrow some money. She gave me $ 100 and her car keys. She asked me if i should ask Casey if she wants to come.

So i did i walked over and as always she was kicking around a soccer ball. "Hey Casey i was going to the mall and i was wondering if u wanted to come ." " Sure let me go grab some money."

She came out in jean shorts with a tang top on with her hair in a pony tail. I told her i needed to go get school supplies and clothes and she gave me directions to the best mall.

Casey seemed to be a little weird her yard was all shade and she seemed so pale. I could figure out why. I figured she didnt get in the sun a lot and since i liked in Florida i was used to the sun.

Caseys pov

I hope she doesnt guess my secret. She is so tan and im so pale and never in the sun while she lives in the sun. We were so different i mean i could change her but thats a risk i dont think i can take.

Rinas pov

Our first stop was to get school supplies. I got a hole bunch of things like binders, paper, notebooks, pencils, pens, sharpies, and a lot more. Casey got a few things two but she said she already bought school supplies.

I made sure i had plenty of money for the mall. First i bought some dresses and jean shorts a few jeans some tanks long sleeve so i had most of the clothes ready. I figured i would be at the mall a lot with Casey. She both went and got our second piercings. We spent hours at the mall.

On our way out i needed to stop at Dunkin Donuts and i bought myself a medium ice coffee cookie dough extra extra. I bought Casey a medium ice coffee french vanilla extra extra.

It was nice and refreshing on our way home. My mom was so happy i finally found a friend and im not gonna lie but Casey seemed like a person who i would be friends so a long time.

Caseys pov

I had a fun day with Rina but i feel like my secret is gonna slip out.

"I feel like we are gonna be friends for a long time ," rina said

Only if she new would she be upset would she be scared would i ruin everything.

I think im to scared to tell her i dont want to loose. Most people at school dont like me and find me odd. It would feel good to finally have a friend.

If i change her i wouldnt have to worry but what it effects her for the worse she would be mad at me for a while.

What if i just kept my distance for a little? I couldn't do that to her she lost her dad i wasnt gonna make her loose a friend.

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