Chapter One

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"Boys! Settle down! Stop fighting this instant!"

Despite the teacher's warning, the two students were in an aggressive brawl, their peers gathered in a circle around them shouting and jeering. One of the boys, who had red hair and blue eyes, slammed his fist into the other boy's cheek, who in return jabbed him in the stomach. The shorter boy, who had bushy mud brown hair, delivered two more blows, one to the nose and the other to the chin. The taller boy staggered back, yet in an instant, lunged forward again and tackled his attacker to the ground, continuing their fight on the floor.

Things were getting violent. There were cries for help from the student body as the blue-eyed boy beat the ever living shit out of the other guy, who was kicking and clawing at him as he did so. The screams only grew louder when he decked the boy so hard, the big round glasses on his face cracked. He only hesitated for a moment before his victim slammed his forehead into his own, making him tumble backwards onto the hard tile. Jesus fucking christ! I didn't know that little shit could hit me that hard! He felt incredibly dizzy, his vision blurring slightly from the blow. He tried to shake off the ringing in his ears as he tried to stand up, wobbling a bit from the shock.

"Ares Moran!"

He could just barely hear someone angrily call out his name. He tried to compose himself, and moved over to where the sound came from. One of the teachers, Mrs. Hawkke, glared at him behind her half-moon glasses.

"Mr. Moran," she seethed. "Go to the headmaster's office, now."

"Yes, yes, I'm going." Ares sighed.

He looked back at the catastrophic scene behind him. The brown haired boy was lying on the floor, unconscious, blood dripping from his nose and bruises already blooming on his face and forehead. The other students gathered around him as the teachers tended to him. Tch. Serves him right, the little fucker. He then turned back around and headed towards the headmaster's office, dreading the earful that was awaiting him.


"Mr. Moran, please come in."

The headmaster sat at his desk, hands folded neatly as he sat in his cushy leather chair. Ares sat himself down on the chair across from him, crossing his arms as he settled in.

"I see you've gotten bolder, and much more careless." the headmaster retorted, a slight air of mocking creeping into his words.

"And you're still the same as ever," Ares rolled his eyes. "Uptight and blindsided."

The headmaster sighed exasperatedly, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Ares, you can't keep doing this. You are getting out of control." He adjusted his glasses, looking Ares directly in the eyes. "I can't keep excusing you if you're going to behave like this."

"So what?" Ares sneered, a smug grin curling on his lips. "I'm still gonna keep doing it, you know that right?"

"The only reason I keep you from getting into serious trouble is because I have connections with your parents," the headmaster said sternly, "If you keep acting out like this, you're going to soil their reputation! Look at what happened today!"

"Please," Ares drawled, rolling his eyes. "I didn't even do anything that bad!"

That was the final straw. "That bad?!" the headmaster roared, slamming his hands on the desk and getting to his feet. "You beat a boy senseless!! He has bruises all over his face, was dealt severe head trauma, and is currently unconscious in the nurse's office!! And for what?! What did that poor boy do to warrant such assault from you, Ares Moran?!"

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