Nishi gets captured

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The west Supreme Kai was walking around the planet and viewing the mortals on the western quadrant when something beautiful caught her eye

Those mortals do make such beautiful gardens

Suddenly a huge blast came soaring at her just barley missing her head as she dodges the blast

The figure responsible for the blast steps out of the dust

Moro-Hmm so you do have some senses

Nishi - so you're the one who attacked me , you're gonna regret it

Nishi tried to attack but Moro kept dodging her attacks. Suddenly he grabbed her arm and body slammed her on the floor. Nishi managed to use her ki blast to temporarily blind him.

Kai- Km mph- Nishi tried to say the phrase but Moro grabbed her mouth and stopped her from doing so

Moro- so you wanna run away from the fight eh? Well bad news your coming with me

Moro slammed her onto the ground and she blacked out. He carried her to his lair and tied her to the bed while putting a band around her neck that would prevent her powers. As he left the cell he took one more look at her wondering if he picked the wrong one to take as she had a reputation for getting her point through.

*a few hours later*

Nishi wakes up and hurriedly looks around. Confused where she is at.

Hello? Is anyone there? Can anyone hear me?- Nishi asks, looking around. She tried to get the band off of her neck but it was made of some material that was strong enough to deactivate her powers. Nishi was defeated as she threw herself onto the bed to think of other ways to escape.

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