Chapter 13- Cheesy

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He parked in front of your house.
Your night could have gone awfully wrong but Jake saved you.

"Why did you come find me?" You asked.

"Rick was looking for you everywhere and I overheard Bonny saying he should stop looking for you and stated that you already broke up with him" he said.

"Oh, so you just ran to find me?" You asked.

"Yes." He said

"Why" You asked again.

"Cos I thought you might be in trouble if you left the house for real" he said .

"Okay" you said , somehow not satisfied with the statement.

You looked to his right hand  knuckles and it was bleeding .
You grabbed his hand.
"You're bleeding" you said
You took off your sheer dress and wrapped it around the knuckles.

You looked up at him when you were done.

Your faces were so close to each other .
You could see hunger and want in his eyes .
He closed the gap between you and kissed you.

Fireworks. There were colorful fireworks in your belly.
He tasted so good.

"Come here" he said
You unbuckled your seat belt as he slid his seat far back .

You straddled him and continued kissing him.

Feeling his hardness against you made you wetter.

"I want to fuck you, Now!" You moaned into his ear.
That was all it took. He lifted himself up pulling his pants down a bit and lowered you onto him.
"Ohhhhhhh Fuckkkkk" he moaned .

You started riding him and he was moaning loudly. He was enjoying it as much as you were.
He was fondling your ever sensitive nipples. You like the way he does it.

The moment he  said he was about to cum, you started building too. You were riding him faster now, your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you both reached at the same time. You didn't know that was possible.
You thought it was fantasy  that  people wrote in books just to exaggerate the act but coming together was the most amazing orgasm you've had.
The thought of it happening at the same time drove you wild, your whole body  was  shaking and he hugged you while it happened .

Right after you both came down from your high he said , " I want to fuck you the backseat".

You wanted more but George's voice echoed in your head.

You realized that you needed to stay away from that family.

You got off  him and went back to your seat.

"What's wrong" he said.

"I don't think I can do this" you said.

"Okay" he simply said.

He untied your dress from his hand and gave it back to you. You weren't sure you wanted to wear it cos of the blood on it.

He got down from the car and went to his trunk.

He came to your side of the car holding a shirt.

You tried to grab it but he took his shirt off and handed it to you.

You stared in confusion.

"This one is quite clean.That's my gym clothes so it probably stinks" He said .

You couldn't help but notice the butterfly tattoo on the side of his belly. It's the same one you have.

You wore his shirt and it covered you up good.
You got down from the car and started walking away.
"I'll walk you to your door" he said holding your hand.

Why is he being so cheesy.

He walked you to your door and waved you goodbye.
When you got inside you saw your mum on the couch having sexy time with some dude.

"Mummm!!!" You groaned covering your eyes.

They quickly covered up and you went up to your room.

You didn't mind it. She has only been with one man after your dad passed so she deserves good dick .

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