"life" Tw⚠️

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TW WARNING 😕 This contains gore/blood and self h@rm and maybe idk also manipulation and trichotillomania
If your not comfortable with it you can wait or check others Au i made and i'm sorry for making this even though these are real events and enjoy reading this ig😥

No one's/pov
blood leaks dripping from the desk to the floor tigry grips on the table while coughing blood out.. "Damn it" as he threw the glass cups shattering to the floor making the stuff on the table shake and stuff falling

T/ Damn It. DAMN IT (as he bangs his head onto the desk still coughing)
T/ Not even poison can kill me..(looking at the shattered glass)

/knocking can be heard as tigry turned around quickly to the door

T/ Who Is It...?(in panic)
?/ Hey, are you alright? I heard glass shattering..
T/ Um..I'm fine who is this exactly..?
G/It me giraffy..why?
T/ nothing..never mind don't worry I just...dropped a cup that's all..
G/ Alright if you say so...
T/ Mhm. (about open the door)
G/ Also have you seen pony?
T/ ...Uh no why you ask..?
G/ I haven't seen them this morning and I'm a little concerned for them..
T/ Oh...okay I tell ya if i do see them around..(leaning on the door)
G/ Well i'll cya around!

/As giraffy left, Tigry fall to the floor taking a deep breath
T/ Where is pony..?

//OMFG Tw no fr thought TW

/whimpering and sobbing can be heard in a dark room with bunch of portals echoing

?/ quit with your crying you going to make it worst..
?/ Yeah you'll make it worst for your punishment and that's no fun..
?/ Y'all shut up "he" will be here soon!
?/ How about we all just shut up.!!

//portal appears as a figure appears as well.

?/ "tell" who to "shut up"? And why are u crying...Pony. (kneeling to their level)

//everyone went silent while pony is still crying muttering words for no reason which you'll probably find out soon or later

TIO/ hm..your right..(looking at the others)

//everyone flinch breaking eye contact

TIO/ That's really helpful..(looking back pony)

P/ You k-know what y-you did (clenched his fist)
TIO/ what was that?-

//being a cut off by a fist but was able to react and stop the fist by grabbing the wrist, He was able see pony face clearly, Angry...

TIO/ What are you all mad about. (tighten his grip)

// everyone was shook by this. no one ever tried not even once try to lay a finger on TIO but this was new

P/ (groans from the grip) go to hell...(death stare)
TIO/ Not until you go with me...(giving a chuckle)
?/ Sir, please.. (kneeling) can't we just start this meeting..
TIO/ Right.. (letting go of pony wrist standing up) now where we're we...Markus won't be with us right now since I alright gave him a quest.. so we'll be having some trouble without him...for now.

P/ For what so you can hurt my friends..(#2 death stare)
TIO/ You didn't let me finish, but something like that..
P/ Of course you would I mean your use your little minions to manipula-

//TIO yanks on to pony hair which made him yelp

TIO/ what is it with you today, I was just being nice, was that not enough? (yanking more of his hair)
P/ A-AH..LET GO OF MY HAIR (trying squirm out of his grip but as well scratching his arm)
TIO/ quit with your squirming...or else...
P/ WELL LET GO OF ME (looking at the others)

// everyone was in shook but fear in their eyes which made pony confused looking back feeling something cold on his face seeing it shine

TIO/ don't worry i won't ruin your gorgeous hazel eye just this one (raising it) you'll eventually heal since your insolence but this will hurt a little so don't move..
P/ WAIT! (Moving back)

.It was to late...

//everyone grossed out and in shook pony stood there looking at the ground as blood dripping down his eye

?/ Oh my goodness.. (covering their mouth)
?/ what the actual f/ck
TIO/ What did I TELL YOU NOT TO MOVE (yanks on hair)
P/ Please let go..(tearing up) I'm sorry just let go..
TIO/ I'll make you eat those words..

[[HAHAH LOL IM NOT MAKING THAT PART THATS WEIRD FUCK NO..but still that is some serious shit there anyways]]

//pony sitting on the floor of his room collapse looking at the floor feeling disgusting and guilt

Yippee Tigry🐅/ POV's
I just got out my room from drinking what idk like 3 shots of poison which didn't kill me, idk why i'm trying to k!ll my s3lf...that's when i heard a bang from pony room that i'm close by. Is he back? I know he would be mad at me if i got into his room but i gotta see what's with the banging.. right after i open the door a knife was thrown passed my face leaving a cut my cheek which i held on to.."what in the" I look up seeing pony on the floor collapse on the floor pulling on his hair..."what happened..."

I couldn't stop crying i felt disgusting i felt anger range inside of me. I look at the desk getting up and throwing everything everywhere sweeping off everything on the counter desk flipping the chair anything i threw until i heard the door open which made me panic so i grab the knife that i keep for reasons and threw it at the person which was tigry i was so scared that it would've hit it but it didn't just a cut i fall to the floor again pulling on my hair can't stop thinking of that though making everything thing worst as i felt a hand on my shoulder looking up to see tigry


T/ Are You Okay?! What happened here..?! (looking at the mess pony made)
P/Im sorry (looking down) It my fault..
T/ what your fault..
P/ I should've just kept my pretty mouth shut (muttering as he starts to tear up again)
T/ P-pony calm down..(he patted pony on the back to calm him) It was probably a dream..


P/ WAS THIS A DREAM?! (showing the scratch from his neck through his shoulder)

//all tigry could do was stare at the scratch but that didn't only catch his eye with a reddish color on pony neck he reach out for pony neck but pony smack his hand away while burring his face i got the floor


What did they do to you..?

HAHHAHAHHAAHHAHA GET NOOB 😈 but no for real...

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