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"So what exactly what you want us to do?" Y/N asked Norm, "your not exactly helping me, but it's more like a surprise for the both of you" Norm responded, Y/N and Spider looked at each other confused and curious, they were walking around the lab and found two tanks with two avatar inside, they were in awe but they realized why is the two avatar looked similar to them, "Norm?" Spider asked "yeah?" Norm looked at the both

teenagers liking the confused expression written all over their faces "why is these avatars look so similar to us?" Y/N asked, "that's because it is your avatars" Norm chuckled", Y/N and Spider slowly looked at each other, eyes wide and jaw drop "w-wait, your joking right?" Y/N asked "Nope" Norm maked a popping sound at the p, "are you both just gonna stand there stupidly or you wanna go test your avatars?" Norm said

sarcastically, without a respond they both rushed to the link unit laying down with excitement rushing over their body, this made Norm laughed seeing the two teenager rushing to link unit to test their very own and first ever avatar

"Now lay down Spider, head down" Norm instructed, Spider being Spider won't listen and kept bringing his head up, Norm pushed his head back down and closed the link unit, "Norm I'm kinda nervous" Y/N said "it's gonna be fine, your gonna be fine just relax and let your mind go blank, trust me" Norm reassured, Y/N

relaxed her body and sighed calmly "ok I trust you" Norm smiled at this and closed the link unit, "Biometrics are good" a scientist said while inspecting the brain of the two teenagers "initiate link" "Run sequence unit three. Go." "Launching." "I have the first congruency" Max checked both of the teenagers brain "well would you look at that" Max chuckled "Phase-Lock 40%" meanwhile Y/N and Spider eyes still looking around inside the link

unit still curious of what's gonna happen, Norm tapped Max's shoulders and said "I'm going to my own avatar" Max nodded "Phase-Lock 99%, Link is stable" after that both Y/N and Spider closed their eyes and their vision went zooming

"She's in. Y/N, Can you hear me?" Y/N still looking blankly while the other doctor flashed a flashlight in her eye, pupils dilating "Pupillary reflex is good" the female doctor snapped her fingers at the either side of her ear "How you feeling, Y/N?" The doctor asked "it worked?" "Yes Y/N it worked" both doctors chuckled "welcome to your new body"

the doctor welcomed her to her new body, Y/N then raise her arms closing and opening her fist still not very used to her new body "Listen, were gonna take this nice and easy" the doctor said, while spider sit up on the bed "can you touch your thumb to your fingers?" "Hell yeah" Spider said with enthusiasm "that's good, it's good you can remember that one"

back to Y/N
"you can sit up carefully" Y/N slowly sit up while moving her toes and fingers "good good, take it slow and easy" the doctor said "No truncal ataxia, good" "are you feeling dizzy or lightheaded?" Y/N looked at her new body moving her knees a bit and wiggling her toes "that's good Y/N, that's good" "Distal motor control is good" "do you feel any aching or numbness?" The doctor asked Y/N still not responding while still figuring out how to stand with her new body

"can I stand up now?" Y/N asked and looked at the doctors, "sure you can kid" Y/N stood up shakily and leaned forward and accidentally bumping her forehead at the glass "Ow damn it" the doctors chuckled "Holy shit, you guys are so.." the doctors waited for her to finish her sentence

"small.." the doctors just deadpanned at her statement and laughed after "Look Spider! I'm Tall!" Spider looked at her in awe and stood up without any warning "take it easy Spider", "you both can walk that's fine but take it easy" the doctor told the two teenagers, Y/N slowly walked towards Spider and Spider doing the same

"Holy shit Y/N your so tall, we both are so tall!" Spider laughed while Y/N just giggled at his brothers enthusiasm "let's go to Norm!" Spider suddenly snatched Y/N wrist and sprinted out of the room, their wires detached on their body "wait come back!" The doctors ran after them while the two teenagers were sprinting and suddenly bumped to someone causing them to fall to their butts

"well would you look at you two" they both looked upwards and saw Norm looking down at them with a smile "motor controls looking good, I see" Norm said while handing a hand out for them to reach, they fixed they're posture while still examining their body, they both slowly looked at each other reading each other's mind "Y/N, are you thinking of what I'm thinking?" Spider said

"You bet I am" Y/N smiled eagerly while Norm just sighed at slapped the back of their heads gently and snapped them back to reality "before you two do something unintentionally stupid, you go change your clothes. Follow me" Norm said and walked to the near cabin while the two teenagers followed their father figure like small children still wondering at the view before them

Norm opened a cabinet full of women's clothing and handed Y/N a pair of black tank top and a green combat trousers, while spider chose his own clothing for his own liking, "damn I look like a soldier don't you think?" Y/N said while inspecting her own clothing "sure you are kid" Norm chuckled and patted her head "Now let's focus o- Spider" meanwhile Spider standing up proudly with his clothes on, "I guess he doesn't need help"Norm responded

"Damn spider look at us!" Y/N exclaimed while running around in circles, she figured it out quickly on how to control her new body "I bet the Sully's will not recognize the both of us" Spider laughed, Y/N suddenly stopped and froze, how can she forget? "Oh yeah" " we should meet up with them tomorrow!" Spider said excitement overcoming his body

"Norm can we?" Y/N asked her father figure's permission "sure kid, you can. just be careful out there and not damage your avatar" Norm warned "We promise" Y/N replied with a smile while spider murmured "No promises" this made Y/N slapped the back of his brothers head and gave him a warning look while spider just laughed at the glare he received from his sister, "Alright kiddos time for bed" Norm reminded while the two teenagers just nodded and went to their bed

After laying down Y/N let out a sigh, excited for tomorrow, she's curious of what's gonna happened, what will Neteyam think of her new body? Will he like it or dislike it? She closed her eyes and slept.


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