Chapter 8: Night 4

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Flamingo: alright freddy, get over here and kiss me in the lips before i shoot you like i did to that homeless man last-

Kreek: alber, focus!

TanqR: yeah! we gotta find the judges

Flamingo: how is comitting arsen finding the judges

TanqR: well-

Flamingo: EXACTLY

Kreek: we can commit arsen AFTER we find the judges and jake

Pghl: well are we gonna get started or are we gonna keep talking?

TanqR: well lets go

Kreek: alright, albert youre with me, pghl your with tanqr

Flamingo: kreek why are you so short

kreek: im not!

TanqR: uh, yes you are

Kreek: NO IM NOT

Pghl:i mean, you kind of are

Kreek: ugh, whatever

Pghl: alright ive got the tazer

Tanqr: alright ironman, just go up to them,taze them and we will carry them to the parts and services room

Flamingo: do i have to carry them too?

Kreek: ofc you do

Flamingo: aw man

The group walks into the pizzeria


bonnie turns to look at pghlfilms until bonnie and the others get tazed 

TanqR: alright guys, lets drag em over there

Flamingo: alright albert, time to put them beefy arms to the test

they drag the animatronics to the parts and service room

Pghl: alright, i dont think we forgot any, just freddy,bonnie, and chica in there

Kreek: alright, lets move to the office

they start walking to the office

Kreek: you know what, i think its time we listen to this phone guy

Pghl: ok if you want to

Kreek grabs the phone

Phone: BANG BANG BANG, heh, hey there um, your doing a good job! NIGHT 4, GREAT. so um i sorta tried to check out the place, i heard about your friends, but now all i want is for somebody to check those suits in the back, might find an unpleasent surprise...BANG BANG BANG, oh no...-CUT-


TanqR: damn bro, thats tuff

Pghl: Should we check the suits? like he asked?

Kreek: are you guys stupid? anytime in these past nights weve gone of track, we either end up being chased or have some dramatic ass battle with these objects of steel

Flamingo: sooo, go check the suits?

Pghl: yeah i think thats what he meant


kreek: oh my god...

the group walks back into the main party room but they see foxy standing at the parts&service door

Flamingo: wait, we forgot about that dude


Foxy stares at tanqr while raising his hooked arm

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