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There was a carnival about 30 minutes away from the hotel

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There was a carnival about 30 minutes away from the hotel. The night was cooler than usual and she had already worn the two sweatshirts she had packed. She wore her beige mini shorts and a black cropped tank top. She decided to sneak over to Baylen's bag and grab his pink 'Frick Vape' hoodie. She threw it on over her shirt and adjusted it.

"It looks better on you then it does me." Peyton quickly turned around to see Baylen leaning against the wall. She rolled her eyes while laughing.

"Does that mean I can keep it?" She asked, batting her eyelashes while grinning widely.

He folded his arms over his chest and smiled, "yeah. It's yours." He winked. "You ready to go?" He pulled the keys out of his shorts pocket, swinging them around his finger.

"Yeah. Let's do it." She grinned widely, brushing past him to the door. She and Baylen walked out the room and made their way to the elevator, clicking on the call button.

When they entered, Baylen hummed the elevator tune causing Peyton to laugh. "Do they seriously need to play music in here?"

Baylen snorted, "it's makes the ride less awkward."

"I beg to differ."

The elevator made it to the lobby, the two exiting and making their way out to the car. The sky was painted with such a beautiful golden hue. The orange, pinks, and purples gave the evening sky such personality.

"You taking aux?" Baylen asked while smiling wide.

A smile tugged on her cheeks, "I would love to!" She got in the passenger seat where she had stormed out the previous night. She grabbed the chord and plugged it into her phone. She played "Broccoli" by Lil Yatchy.

Baylen laughed hard, "I remember you doing a Musically to this song!" He re-enacted the Musically at the wheel.

She laughed, her cheeks tinting red. "Oh my god! I remember!" She did it with him while singing along. "Put your hands on the wheel!"

They arrived shortly after, getting their tickets at the front. The fair grounds had large rides and even bigger food stands. The lights from the fair rides glimmered in Baylen's eyes as he examined everything.

"Pretty huh?" She smiled, looking around at the lights as well. She knew he would say something corny, he always used corny pick up lines.

"Not as pretty as you." He winked.

She rolled her eyes, "i fucking hate you." She laughed. She pointed at the teacups. "Let's ride those!" She grabbed the male's hand and dragged him to the teacup line.

"Baylen Levine!" The two turned their heads around when they heard his name. Multiple teenage guys with their girlfriends ran up to the two of them. "You and Peyton are dating?" The blonde one asked, ruffling his own hair.

Peyton glanced over at Baylen to see what he'd say. "Yeah... Yeah we are." His hand slivered into hers. She smiled and looked back at the group of teenagers.

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