Chapter 6: Giant Gecko

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"Maybe the reason she believed in ghosts is because she always felt like a ghost herself"

"I just don't think I deserve a C on this".  Anita dropped her paper on her English teachers desk.

Anita was someone that was a soft spoken person but when it came to her writing she fought for it.

"It was just a little-"

"I used all the required information I needed plus putting in metaphors".  Anita cut her off.

"Anita, your work was a bit dark".  The teacher tried to explain.

"It was the truth.  What was I supposed to write of a paper where the topic was on 'Home' when I have lived in Eichen for majority of my coming to age.  I deserve at least a high B, if not even an A". Anita's voice got a bit louder.

"I won't have that type of tone in my class.  Detention".

Anita walked into the library for detention, letting out a deep breath than stopped as she saw the other students.  Of course Scott and Stiles were in there.  She quickly made her way to an empty desk before Mr. Harris could say anything to her.

Anita opened up her bag and took out a book and started to read where she last left off.  Anita heard some boy shoving his hand in a bag of chips before eating them. 

Anita let out a sigh as she leaned back in her chair with the book on the edge of the table.

Jackson soon stood up, holding his hand to his head as he grabbed his bag.

"You okay?"

"I have to go to the bathroom".  Jackson said.

"Are you all right?"  Mr. Harris asked from the desk.  "You don't look so good".

"I just need to get some water".  Jackson exited the room.

"No one leaves their seats".  Harris told the rest of them before leaving as well.

Anita looked up from her book as she heard chairs moving, seeing Scott and Stiles go over to the table where Erica was at.

"And they call me weird".  Anita muttered to herself.

"Right?"  Anita turned her head, seeing the boy with the chip bag.

"Cool book".  The boy pointed and Anita nodded.

"I'm Matt"  he introduced himself.

"Anita".  She gave him a small smile.

Scott McCall please report to the principles office

The intercom called.

Anita talked to Matt for a bit then stopped when Jackson and Mr. Harris came back into the room.  Anita then continued to read her book, not realizing after some time everyone was zipping up their bags.

"Oh, no. I'm sorry. Uh, yes.  I'm leaving.  But none of you are.  You may go when you're done with the re-shelving.  Enjoy the rest of your evening".  Mr Harris told them.

Anita closed her book as her eyes scanned all the books. 


She would rather be reading her book then re shelving them.  She honestly did not know how there were so many books to be re shelved.

Anita shook her head as she grabbed one then looked at one of the shelves before placing it in its place. 

"So, you know Derek".

Anita looked over to Erica who was on the other side of the cart.

"Why is everyone asking me that lately?"  She questioned.

"Just curious since-". Erica cut herself off when she remembered what Derek told her.

"How do you know him?  Is it because-"  Now, Anita was cut off by the sound of lights breaking along with the ceiling.

"What was that?"  Anita questioned looking up.

"Erica!"  Scott shouted from where he was at.

Anita looked to Erica who had yellow eyes and fangs let out a growl.  Anita then looked up seeing some type of giant gecko hop above them.

Anita moved away from the aisle she was at and went into the opposite direction where she last saw the giant gecko go too.  Anita went to the furthest aisle on that side before putting herself in a corner.

She heard Erica scream and then more things falling and breaking.  And then the worst part the sound of nails on a chalkboard.  The last thing she heard was glass breaking and that was it.

"We need to get her to a hospital".

"Derek-only to Derek"

Anita exited the aisle she was at, passed the aisle where Allison and Matt were at and stood in front of the one where the last three were.

"When we get her to the hospital-"

"Bring her to Derek".  Anita spoke up, making the others look up at her in shock.

"He's her alpha isn't she?"  Anita questioned.

"You mean to tell me you knew?"  Stiles asked in shock.

"Kinda just figured him being an alpha when I saw her eyes".  She waved her hands.

"You know about that supernatural?"  Scott then asked.

"I lived in Eichen, of course I do". She gave him a 'duh' tone.  "Are we going or not?"  She gestured to Erica's form.

"Go".  Allison said.

"Yeah.  Have fun explaining what the hell happened to this place". Anita told Allison.


Anita waited outside and winced as she heard Erica's screams from inside.  She didn't know how long it was but it felt like forever listening to it.

"Derek, there's something else you should know".  She heard Scott say but couldn't hear the rest.

What she heard next was a set of footsteps coming towards the door she was standing behind before it was rolled open, revealing Derek who looked shocked to see her.

"Hi".  Anita gave a soft smile and a small wave.

Derek turned his figure giving a harsh glare to the two boys.

"We didn't tell her".  Stiles put his hands up in surrender.

"Come on, I may of been a kid but it wasn't that hard to figure out".  Anita told Derek as he looked back to her.

"You knew this whole time?" 

"I was at your house all the time". Anita said with an innocent smile. "So, Jackson is a giant gecko?" Anita asked with a raised eyebrow.

That comment made Derek's lips turn into a smile before letting out a chuckle. Derek crossed his arms over his chest as he gave her a nod.

"Something like that".

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