Chapter 2: We Must Sin, And So Consequently Die

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Mephistopheles was currently pacing up and down the halls of his and his boyfriends home. When Faustus had first made his deal and had the ability to do anything he wanted with his power they had moved around alot. Building palace after palace, teleporting into famous land marks and going between countries constantly. Now; however, with the end of both Faustus' power and freedom less than a year away they had settled down to one home. 

A small palace on the edge of the town of Wittenburg. Faustus had gone to school and been a resident doctor at the local University of Wittenburg until the fateful night when he had summoned the devil himself for a deal. Now in the end of his mortal life he wanted the comfort of home once again and had decided that he and Mephistopheles would stay here. Mephistopheles didn't mind that, he couldnt return to his home of hell now that he had fallen inlove with a human. As far as he was concerned that only meant that he understood his love's want to stay near his own home. 

Sure Meph wanted to return to hell, but he knew that wasn't a possibility any more than returning to heaven. He had lost the places he called home and now the only thing left, his beloved partner, was going to be torn away from him aswell. 

He could handle not being able to return to heaven. That didn't matter, when he had been an angel he had been controlled by the will of god and he hadn't agreed with nearly any of that. It had all been so vague, ofcourse humans would interperate it all in whatever way they saw fit and get away with it, but if an angel defied these odd and vague orders they would be punished. That's why he had followed the rest in leaving heaven and being banished to the depths of hell. 

He could deal with not being able to return to hell aswell. Though he'd liked it better than heaven he had still lacked control over himself. He was a pawn to be moved around and used in deals and torture of human who defied god, the very thing that he had done, he didn't mind torturing humans but that didn't mean it was exactly the most fullfilling job on the planet or afterlife. It was still better than heaven and not ever being able to return left an ache in his chest. But the ache would subside with time, he knew that it would, things would be alright not being able to return to damnation.

He; however, could barely cope with even the idea of losing Faustus for all of eternity. He felt as though he had known him his entire existence, and yet also as though he had hardly had any time to enjoy their love together before faustus was going to be ripped away from him. They had gotten together on nearly Faustus' fourth year of power. Fifteen years and some months ago. If those like them had the right to marry he supposed they would have. He also supposed they would have done it regardless of if they had the right if it werent for him being a demon and not particularly wishing to see what happened when he partook in a ceramony about a vow god and love. All of that to say that he could not loose Faustus, over the past fifteen years he had become so much more than just his boyfriend, he had become his stability, his strength, his courage, and wisdome, he had become everything to Mephistopheles and he couldn't bare the idea of continuing on without him.

He had been working nearly a month on a solution to their problem but he had yet to come up with any realistic solutions. He couldn't return to hell, he was a demon that had succumb to the love of a mortal human. He considered having Faustus repent for his sins and beg God for forgiveness, it was doubtful that would work even if God forgave him. Even if it did by some miracle work, he wouldn't be allowed to stay with Faustus up there. He knew that eventually Faustus would die, and given that he could not return to either form of afterlife he would not see him again, but that didnt stop him from hoping for a little longer to spend with his love. Not to mention he wanted nothing more than to protect him in both life and death, he would much rather not see Faustus again and have him go to heaven than get a few more years with him and have him suffer for all eternity.

Faustus noticed Meph's pacing, "darling what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?! You're soul is going to belong to satan in mear months and I haven't a clue of how to save you."

Faustus sighed softly getting up and walking over taking his boyfriends hands, "Please stop worrying about this? You can't stop me from paying the price for my deal."

"You said-" Meph started.

"Yes, I said you can try to save me, and I mean it, but please dont cause yourself anguish over this in the little time we have left. It's possible there is no solution and I would so much rather just spend the time with you than waist it on a pointless venture," he said softly. Mephistopheles sighed softly resting his head against Faustus' shoulder. "Remember," he heard the doctor say with the gentle tone he used when he could tell Mephistopheles was upset, "If we say that we have no sin, We deceive ourselves, and there's no truth in us. Why then belike we must sin, And so consequently die." ( From origional play, see footnote)

"You said that about the inevitability of sin and consequently death, not your soul being sold to the devil for a foolish twenty year venture," Mephistopheles grumbled softly. "I suppose it could be beneficial to go to bed and rest... clear my mind for tomorrow."

"You're right my love," Faustus kissed his cheek softly and managed to pick the demon up with relative ease, one of the perks of being given unlimited power for twenty years he supposed. Mephistopheles didn't have any complaints about the change in position and let Faustus carry him to bed laying against him until they both fell into a sound sleep. He didn't care how much time he had left, all he wanted was to spend it with the love of his life.


The quote mentioned is from the origional play of Doctor Faustus written by Christopher Marlowe in 1588-1592, first published in 1604. Was and is preformed as a play, MLA citation below. This work is within the public domain in many countries including the USA and the countries in which it may have been written and first performed. I add the citation and context for the benefit of the readers and educational purposes on the real meanings and information behind the story and play so that your only source of education on this is not this shitty fan fic.

MLA format citation: Marlowe, Christopher. Doctor Faustus. Dover Publications, 1995

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