Chapter 43.

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"Hi. Lisa. You looked so yellow tonight." he grinned.

"W-what are you doing here?" I stuttered nervously.

"Simple. I have invitation."

"Jennie gave you invitation?" I scoffed. He is definitely lying.

"I work at Yun Enterprises now. But your boss removed my boss from the guest list. So Mr. Kim allowed me to attend, to at least represent my company."

I shook my head in disbelief. There is no way, I would believe him, so I dialed the security on my phone. "Hello. This is Chairman Kim's secretary. There is an unexpected guest. I need you to identify him, right now."

"We're on our way ma'am."

"Stay there." I halted Bobby before he could make a move, while we waited for the security to come.

"Okay." He raised his hands in surrender and kept his grin.

Not for long, the securities came and validated his invitation. They even took his identification card, but surprisingly, he isn't lying. He really is invited to the party.

"I told you." he smirked, getting a glass of champagne from the server who had just passed by, and gestured a toast on my face. He then proceeded to walk and bumped into my shoulder.

I just huffed in annoyance, but was cut short when Aria came out of the restroom.

"I'm done." She shook my hand after seeing me in frustration. "I still have the ring. Don't worry. she added, assuming I'm worried about the ring."



Me and Aria get back to our seat while my head is still thinking about if Jennie agreed to invite Bobby. The last time we met didn't end well. We found out that he's spying on us and yet Mr. Kim let him in on the event. What an irony? He wanted to fire me when he learned I worked at dispatch, but he invited a con-artist to his event?


"Huh?!" I was snapped out of my thoughts when Chaeng nudged my arm.

"The event hasn't started yet, but you already looked tired."

"Am I?" I squinted my eyes while the rest of them were waiting for my response. "Anyway.You know Bobby, right?"

"The photographer who actually stalking you and Chairman Kim?"

I nodded. "I saw him. Mr. Kim invited him to represent Yun Enterprise."

"Wait. But what does Bobby have to do with Yun Enterprise?" Seulgi propped her elbow to the table and leaned closer to hear me speak.

"He said, he work there now."

"Seriously?! He still get a job? Does director Bae knows this? That's her father's company, right?"

"Alright. Let's stop stressing about it for now. We're just employees here, remember? Whatever issues their family have, let's stay out of it." Wendy added, slamming the table to get our attention.

"And it's Bobby's problem now. Imagine being at the same event as the Director and Chairman. Hopefully, he'd still get out of here alive." Jeongyeon uttered.

"Anyway." Chaeng shook her head to divert her thoughts and waved at Aria, who is confused listening to us. "Hi Aria. I'm auntie Chaeyoung or Chaeng for short." The blonde introduced herself.

"Hello. Auntie Chaeng. You're the blonde I saw kissing auntie Jisoo, right?" Aria waved her small hands in response.

I quickly palmed Aria's mouth. This kid's mouth has no clutch.

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