Purchased with Blood Part 1

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There is a road on which they walk. There is mist in front of the lot, with contorted trees on the sidelines. The boughs hover over their heads black as the night hemming them. The dirt road is filled with critters unseen in the darkness but heard by their eardrums. The cacophony of toads and crickets sounds on the road. There is an uneasy feeling when they hear the hissing of a snake and the melody of ravens. Tucker creeps behind Hanna, then abruptly puts his hands on her shoulders. Hanna squeals, "will you guys shut up", Alamo said while shaking centipedes off his shoes... "It's not my fault it was Tucker he's being stupid again." "Stop being such a girl," Tucker said. "I am one", Hanna scowls at him. Alamo rolls his eyes and says, "you've been squealing this entire time." Hobs begins to giggle. Tucker turns around while walking backward, "Hobs you've been squealing this entire time also." Tucker mocked. "Hey come on guys," Hobs said. Hobs squints, "Tucker stop pointing your flashlight in my eyes." "Why are you so scared you're the one that wanted to walk through the woods." Alamo looks at Hob's scrawny body "Tis true Hobs", Alamo says. "Tis true what the heck." Tucker says mockingly." "I've been reading old classical literature, like Paradise Lost and Shakspere." "You are such a nerd", "At least I can read." Hanna chimed in, "yeah didn't you fail the reading STAAR test."

Tucker grew a frown, "well....Yeah. But I passed it the second time." He turns back around facing forward. The cacophony continued in the dark, only lit by four flashlights by four 12 year olds. Hanna shivered. "Hanna I told you to bring a jacket," Hobs said, "shut up Hobs." Hanna snapped at him with asperity in her voice. Her pigtails glided in the slight breeze. The wind whistled. The boughs from trees covered the night sky, only through a few gaps were stars seen glinting in the dusk. Hanna feels something crunch under her foot. "Ewwww", she says. She stops to look at her shoe, the flashlight unveils the curtain of the dark. It was a dead frog's guts splattered on her shoe. "Bleh, Hobs come peel this off." "What is it", Hobs flashes his light on it. "Bro what the frick." "Take it off it's gross!" "Um, ok." Hob peels it off, then the frog guts drop to the ground. "Can I die yet", Hanna said while shivering.

There is a rustle in the thickets behind the trees. Hanna turns to the left her pigtails twirling. She sees two bioluminescent lights. They then go away under the thicket. "Hobs why did you want to come here this place is filled with pests. And I could have sworn that we were being watched." Hobs just looks at Hanna saying "ummmm." "Hey get off Hobs Hanna this is actually pretty cool," Tucker says defending Hobs. "Yeah, this is much more immersive than video games. And there is so much wildlife." Alamo said. Hobs gets a feeling that he is being followed. He shakes it off, "Hanna just got me scared," He thought. Hobs looks to the left where Hanna was looking. He sees the bioluminescence, just as she did. It blinks. Hobs jumps, and the dead fall leaves rustle beneath his feet. "Holy crab", he mutters to himself.

The lot walks for a while seemingly into nothing. They were having fun looking into the woods something they never usually do. Tucker and Alamo paved the way, their flashlights piercing the darkness. Hobs and Hanna were behind them, too afraid to lead the way. Hobs steps on a branch, Alamo snaps around, staggers back, and falls over. Tucker poked fun at him, "you got so scared over nothing. Hobs didn't even jump and he's scared of everything." "Tucker gets that flashlight out of my face," Alamo said laughing. "Wait, Hobs where is Hanna?" Tucker says. "Huh?" Hobs retorts. "Hobs what the heck? What if someone took her!" Alamo exclaimed "Yeah Hobs. Oh my gosh. You're right next to her." Tucker added. "Guys stop yelling at me! I think it could have been those eyes." "Those eyes that, doesn't make any sense Hobs," Tucker said. "It might have been a wolf or a dog or something", Alamo suggests. "Oh you're right Tucker agreed. "Hobs where did you see it?" Alamo asks. "I saw it over there," Hobs said while pointing to the thicket to the left. "Ok let's go over there", Alamo suggests. The lot walks into the thicket. "Ah, these thorns are scratching my pants," Tucker complained. The thickets were dense and obtrusive.

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